html datetime picker
ஃ datetime tag html
syntax :
<input type="datetime-local">
i] The datetime result value include the year, month, day, time.
ii] Datetime input type add the <label> tag use best accessible.
iii] html element represents a specific time.
iv] Html tag use to define date and time.
v] Display time value 24 hour clock or date in calendar in HTML.
vi] datetime used to define machine-readable date/time with time element.
datetime Value description
YYYY :- Four digit year ( 01 to 12)
MM :- Two digit month (01 to 31)
DD :- Two digit day (01 to 31)
T :- Time value
HH :- Two digit minute (00 to 24)
MM :- Two digite minute (00 to 59)
SS :- Two digit second (00 to 59)
TZD :- Time zone
html datetime picker
Html program :-
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>select specific date time</title>
<h3>select specific date time</h3>
<input type ="datetime-local"
name ="meetingdate"> <br><br>
<input type="submit">
html datetime picker
Output :-
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