TOP 20 HTML MCQ with Answers
1] What is HTML stand for?
a] Hyper transfer markup language
b] Hyper Text Markup language
c] Hyper test Markup langauge
d] Hyper text Markup langauge
Answer : b] Hyper text Markup language
2] HTML element for the largest heading?
a) <head>
b) <h6>
c) <h1>
d) <h4>
Answer : c) <h1>
3] HTML element for insert line break?
a) <br>
b) < line>
c) <insert>
d) <break>
Answer : a) <br>
4] Syntax HTML comment?
a) //comment
b) #comment
c) /* comment*/
d) <!--comment-->
Answer : - d) <!--comment-->
5] which html tag element defines title of the document?
a) <html>
b) <head>
c) <meta>
d) <title>
Answer : - d) <title>
6] HTML for creating a hyperlink?
a) <a href="">example</a>
b) <a src=" >example</a>
c) <a href=" >example</a>
d) <a href= >example</a>
Answer :- a) <a href="">example</a>
7) HTML tag is called the root element of html?
a) <title>
b) <head>
c) <html>
d) <body>
Answer :- c) <html>
8) HTML is case sensitive ?
a) Yes
b) No
Answer :- b) No
9) which of the properties is used to change the font of text?
a) font-family
b) font-size
c) none
b) text-align
Answer :- a) font-family
10) Create HTML page?
a) web Browser
b) a text editor
c) A ans B Both
d) none
Answer :- c) A ans B Both
11) which property is used set border colors in html ?
a) border
b) border-color
c) both A &B
d) none of the above
Answer :- b) border-color
12) which property is used to set colors in html?
a) font-color
b) background-color
c) color
d) text-color
Answer : - c) color
13) what tag is used to render an image on a webpage?
a) img
b) image
c) src
d) none
Answer : a) img
14) what attribute is used provide a unique name html element?
a) class
b) id
c) type
d) none
Answer : b) id
15) what html tag used set up javascript client-side scriping language ?
a) <anchor>
b) <script>
c) <select>
d) none
Answer : b) <script>
16) block-level elements in html?
a) <p>
b) <h1>
c) <div>
d) all above
Answer : d) all above
17) color are defined HTML using?
a) RGBA values
b) RGB values
c) HEX values
d) all of the above
Answer : d) all of the above
18) How are quotations defined in html?
a) <blockquote>
b) <block>
c) <quote>
d) none
Answer : a) <blockquote>
19) how many characters can be written in 1KB?
a) 1048
b) 1024
c) 100
d) 1058
Answer : a) 1048
20) how many sizes of headers available in HTML by default?
a) 4
b) 6
c) 1
d) 3
Answer : b) 6