
Friday, July 1, 2022

Static Website html tag web designing

 Static Website 

Static website:-

A static website is a group of webpages that have consistent, fixed content for all users. A website with fixed content doesn't use a database. HTML documents that are saved as files in the file system and made accessible by the web server over HTTP are frequently used to create static web pages. Database design and Web programming are not needed for static websites. Furthermore, updating static websites requires getting straight into the HTML and altering it there.

In contrast to dynamic web pages, which are produced by a web application, static web pages—also referred to as flat pages or stationary pages—are sent to the user's web browser precisely as stored.The simplest and most fundamental type of website is a static one. It just needs client-side processing; server-side, or back-end, processing is not necessary. The client-side technologies are JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.Because static web pages are composed of "fixed code," nothing will change on the page until the site developer makes updates. Consider it to be commercial information. A brochure can provide much of the same information as a static website, however static websites aren't able to update itself.

Consider it to be commercial information. A brochure can provide much of the same information as a static website, however static websites aren't able to update itself. Someone has to make a new page in order to do this. For this reason, static webpages. 

Because static websites are simpler and don't require connections to databases of structured material, they may be created and published more quickly. The only factor limiting the launch date of a static website is the level of creativity you choose to put into each page design.

Advantages of static websites

  1. 1. A simpler website to create.
    2. Typically loads more quickly on a browser.
    3. The cost of developing a static website is lower.
    4. Static webpages are often safer.
    Search engines find it simpler to rank static websites since they often load more quickly.
    6. You don't need sophisticated tools to create static webpages.
    7. Building a static website is less expensive.
    8. With a static website, you may alter the appearance and style of every page. 

disadvantages of static web site:- 

    1. Non-interactive  pages
    2.  Updates must be made directly within in the HTML code. 
    3. Inability to perform the complex tests required by many  functionality required in many modern sites.
    4. Making updates to static websites can be challenging and time-consuming, when they are  large.
    5. Creating a design the basic structure, it can be hard to scale a website to add new content.


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