Html basic tag:-
<!DOCTYPE html>
first line of the code <!DOCTYPE html> is called a doctype declaration
the browser which version of HTML the page is written. Html tag using the doctype the HTML5,
the most up-to-date version of HTML
language.The DOCTYPE declaration of the
instruction to web browser of HTML the page is written in.
<html> tag tells the
browser this is HTML document. The
<html> tag represent the root of
HTML document. The <html> tag is the container for other HTML
elements <!DOCTYPE> . The HyperText Markup Language or HTML is
the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web
browser.HTML is a computer language that makes up most web pages and online
applications. A hypertext text used to reference other pieces of text, while a
markup language is a series of markings that tells web servers the style and
structure of a document.
HTML element type of HTML document component, one of
several types HTML nodes. HTML is document compose with the tree of simple HTML nodes, such as the text
nodes, and HTML elements, which add semantics and formatting to parts of
document. Each html element can have
HTML attributes specified.
The<head> tag is another
tag used in the HTML document used at the initial and primary level to put a
heading to be displayed in the browser window. We put the information between the opening and closing
of this tag which gives the information about the page.The <title>
element is required and it defines the title of the document. The <style>
element is used to define style information for a single document.
The <head> tag element is a contain for metadata mean (data
about data) and is place between the <html> tag and the <body> tag.
Metadata is data about the HTML document. Metadata is not displayed. Metadata
define the document title, styles ,character set, scripts, and other meta information. They are
six heading tag such as H1 , H2 , H3 , H4 , H5 , H6 elements. A heading element
describe the topic of the section it introduces.
Title tag is primary lever or
entry level html. Title tag which use to assign information as title bar
to displayed at the title bar of web
browser. The title tag defines as the title document. The title must text-only
and shown in the browser title. bar or
page's tab.
The contents of a page title is
very important for search engine optimization (SEO) The Title page is used by
search engine for the algorithms to
decide the order when listing the web pages
in search results.
The text between
<body>......</body> tag describes the visible page content. This is another HTML is tag which is
considered the main part of the HTML document which contains the entire
information related to a web page tried to be shown in the web page by web
designer. The ended every tag you use in the HTML document earlier in the same
The <body> tag defines the
document's body. The <body> element contains all the contents of HTML
document, such as images, hyperlinks ,headings, paragraphs, tables, lists, etc.
What is an Element:-
An element is a part of a webpage. In XML and HTML an element may contain a data item or.a text and images A type element includes an opening tag with some attributes enclosed text content and closing tag.
<p class="nice">Hello world!</p>
Opening tag :- <p class="nice">
Closing tag. :- </p>
Enclosed text content :- Hello world
An attribute and its value :- < p class=" nice"
Element and tags are not the same things. Tags being or end an element model for displaying the Page in the browser.An HTML element is a component of an HTML document that tells a web browser how to the structure and interpret is the part of the HTML document. The HTML elements can contain formatting instructions, semantic content
HTML tag categorised
1 container tag:-
It consist of opening
tag+content+Closing tag.
<html> opening tag
</html> Closing tag
The forward slash(/) on the closing tag. This tells to the browser that the tag has ended.
2. Empty Tag:-
It have the start tag only. It
consist no content so it is the called empty tag <br> is empty
element without a closing tag <br>
tag defines a line break.
html user the empty tag that
browser to display the content. tags are nothing but some instruction
that are enclosed in angle
braces(< >).tag
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