
Thursday, August 25, 2022

HTML tag

Head section  

1]  <BODY>  </BODY> TAG :-

The HTML <body> tag defines  main content of the HTML document to the section of the HTMI. document that will be directly visible on your web page. This tag is also commonly referred to as the <body> element. All those content which we write inside the <BODY> tag appear on the web browser.The <body> element contains all the contents of an HTML document, such as headings, paragraphs, images, hyperlinks, tables, lists, etc. Note: There can only be one <body> 

HTML syntax for body tag


<h1> This is body tag </h1>


Attributes Use Body Tag:-

 Bgcolor  :- To change the background color of the web document.

Background   :- To set the background image on the body of the web document

Text  :- To set the Foreground color of text.

Left Margin  :- To set the Left Margin of the web document. 

Top Margin :- To set the Top Margin of the web document. 

Link :- To set the Color of text for unvisited hyperlinks.

 VLink  :-To set the color of text for visited hyperlinks.

ALink  :- To set the color of text for selected hyperlinks.

For example

<!doctype html>



<title> Example of Body Tag</title> 



<h1>This is the Body of the web document </h1><p> This is the content </p>



Body tag
Output in body tag

2]  Formatting Tags 

Html formatting tags are used to make some text on your web pages to appear differently that normal text for better look and feel. In computer application, formatting data may associated with text data to create formatted text or we can say that formatting tags are used to change the style of text on a webpage there are following formatting elements were designed to designed to display special type of text. 

<b>- Bold text

<strong>- Important text

<i>- Italic text

<em>- Emphasized text

<mark > Marked text

<small>- Smaller text 

<del> Deleted text

<ins> • Inserted text

<sub> Subscript text

<sup>- Superscript text

Example of Formatting tags

<!DOCTYPE html>


<body><center><strong><u>All Formating tag</u></strong> </center>

<p>This text is normal.</p>                                                                    

<br><i>This text is italic.</i>

<br><em>This text is emphasized.</em>

<br><b>This text is Bold.</b>

<br><strong>This text is Stong.</strong>

 <br>This <sup>text is superscript</sup><br>H <sub>2</sub>

<br><small>This is some smaller</small>

<br><big>This is some smaller</Big> 

<br><Mark>This is some smaller/Mark>

<p>My favorite color is <del>blue</del> red.</p>

 <p>My favorite color is <del>blue</del> <ins>red</ins>.</p>


Formatting Tag

Output Formatting tag

3]  Bold  Tag

The HTML <b> tag which represent bold text in  HTML webpage.<b> and <strong> Elements The <b> tag should  used to markup text as the bold without conveying any extra importance.The <b> tag is written as <b> .....</b> with the text to be bold inserted between the start and end tags..

The HTML <strong> element defines text with strong importance. The content is inside is type.<strong>This text is important!</strong>


<! Doctype html>

</html>  <head>                                        

         <title>Bold Body Tag </title>



<b>This is  BOLD Body Tag</b>

<strong>Element defines text with strong importance content inside</strong>



Output in Bold Tag
Output in Bold Tag


4]  Itelic Tag

 <i> and <em> Elements

The <i> element is used for presentational purposes only i.e.  style text in italic.

The <i> tag is written as <i>.......</i>  the text inserted between the start and end tags.

<!IDOCTYPE html>



</h2> Itelic tag</h2>

 <i>Some italic text</i>



Italic tag html  output

Output Itelic tag

5]  Underlined Tag

The <u> tag represent some text that is unarticulated or styled differently from normal text, such as the misspell words and proper names in Chinese text.

The <u> HTML element is the represents a span of inline text which should be rendered in  way that indicates that  has a non-textual annotation.

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Underlined Text Example</title>



 <p>The following word uses an <u>underlined</u> typeface.</p>



Output in Underline
Output in Underline Tag

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Dynamic website

html link tag

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