
html image tag and html paragraph tag

           HTML Tag

1) Teletype Element

The HTML Teletype element  Text Element (<tt>) produces an inline element displayed in the browser default monotype font. This element is  the intended  style text as  would display on  fixed width  such as a teletype. It probably is more common to display fixed width type using the <code> element. This element is obsolete.  Use a more appropriate element, such as<code> or <span> with CSS, instead.


<!DOCTYPE html>



<p>This text is normal.</p>

<p><tt>This text is teletype text. </tt></p>

<P><strong>Note : </strong></p>



Teletype Element output

This text is normal.

This text is teletype text.

2) Anchor links and Named Anchors 

A link is specified using HTML tag <a>. This tag  called anchor tag and anything between  opening <a> tag and  closing </a> tag is the part of the link and a user can click that part to reach to the linked document. 


<!document html>






<h1>Anchor Tags </h1>

<a href=">Google Website</a>



Anchor links and Named Anchors output

Anchors Tags

Google Website

2)  Example 

<!DOCTYPE html>




<a href="" target="_blank">Visit Facebook</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Visit Twitter</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Visit Yahoo</a>



Anchor links and Named Anchors output


Visit Facebook |visit Twitter |visit Yahoo

3) Links - Color 

 You can set colors of your links, active links and visited links using link, alink and Vlink attributes of <body> tag. 

When you move the mouse over a link, two things

1)  The mouse arrow will turn into a little hand .

2)  The color of the link element will change.

By default, a link will appear link

1)  An unvisited link is underlined and blue.

2)  An visited is underlined and. Purple.   

3)  An active link is underlined and red.


<! Doctype html>



<title>Hyperlink Example</title>


<body alink ="blue" link ="red" Vlink= "pink">
<P>click following link </p>
<a href = "" target ="_blank">HTML tutorial</a>



Links - Color output

click following link

HTML tutorial

4) Image Tag 

An image can be inserted into a web page using the tag <img>. The <img> tag is empty tag. This  tag takes the name of the image file as an attribute.

The <img> tag is used to embed an image in an HTML page. Images are not technically inserted into a web page; images are linked to web pages. The <img> tag creates a holding space for the referenced image. The <img> tag has two required attributes: src - Specifies the path to the image. 


<Img src = "Url">


1) Align   :-.   Top bottom middle left right

Not supported in HTML5  Specifies the alignment of an image according to surrounding element.

2) Alt    :-  Text 

Specifies an alternate text for an image.

3) border    :-  Pixels

Specifies the width of the border around an image.

4) height   :-  Pixels

Specifies the height of an image.

5) width  :-  Pixels 

Specifies the width of an Image.

6) Src  :-   pixels

specifies the URL of an image.


<! Doctype html>


<Body bgcolor="blue"  text=yellow" link="red" >

<center><h1>photo Art Gallery </h1></center>

<img src="1.jpg" height="100" width="100" align ="left">

<img src="2.jpg" height="100" width="100"align="centre" alt ="middle image">



Image Tag output

Image 1(left)

Image 2(middle)

5) paragraph Tag

The <p> tag defines a paragraph. the Browsers automatically add some space (margin) before and the  after each <p> element. The margins can modified with the css. 

The Paragraph element. The <p> HTML element represents a paragraph. Paragraphs  usually represented to the visual media as  blocks of text separated from the adjacent blocks by blank lines andor first-line indentation but HTML paragraphs can be any structural grouping of related to content, such  images or form fields.


1) Align    :-  Left, right, centre, justify

Specifies the alignment of the text with in paragraph

paragraph Tag

    Example :-

<! Doctype html>



<P align =left> is a first paragraph.this is a first paragraph Paragraphs tags or <p> tags in HTML help us create paragraphs on a web page. web browsers is  paragraphs display a blocks of text separated from adjacent block by blank lines white spaces or first-line indentation</p>

<p  align=right>Paragraphs tags  <p> tags in HTML help us create the paragraphs.on a web page. web browsersndisplay  paragraphs  as blocks of text separated from adjacent blocks by blank lines, white spaces, or first-line indentation </p>



paragraph Tag

  Output :-

HTML paragraph Tag

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html list attributes tag

html form pattern attribute

css box property

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