
What is the html Frame Tag

          HTML  Frame TAG 

Frames allows a developer to divide the browser window in such a way that many web-pages can be loaded at the same time and each of which can display a different HTML document. Or we can say that The HTML frameset and frame elements were used to create page layouts in which certain content remained visible while other content was scrol.

HTML Frames  use to divide the web browser window into multiple sections, each section can be loaded separately. A frameset tag is the collection of the frames in the browser window.


 tag considers the entire browser window as a set of many frames.<frame> tag along with src attribute is used to launch a particular page in a particular frame.

The <frameset> Tag Attributes

2) Columns

 It is basically used to define the number of columns and its size inside the frameset tag. Or we can say that It is used to create vertical frames in web browser. 

 The HTML <frameset> cols Attribute is used to specify the size and the number of columns in a frameset. The width of the each frame is a separated by a comma. 

example  create to create columns -three vertical frames, use cols="20%,60%,30%

3) Row

It is the use to define number of row and it size inside to the frameset tag. Or we can say that it is used to create horizontal frames in web browser. The size or height of the row is set in the frameset in the following ways.

The rows attribute use to create horizontal frames in web browser. This attribute is use to the define  rows and its size inside the frameset tag.

4) border

It is basically used to define the width of border of each frames in pixels.  

For example, <frameset border="4" frameset>



      <p style = "border-width:4px;
      bordet- This is a border
with none width. </p>
      <p style = "border-width:4px;
         This is a solid border.</p>
      <p style = "border-width:4px;
         This is a dashed border.  </p>
      <p style = "border-width:4px;
         This is a double border.  </p>
      <p style = "border-width:4px;
         This is a groove border. </p>
      <p style = "border-width:4px;
         This is a ridge  border. </p>
      <p style = "border-width:4px;
         This is a inset border.</p>
      <p style = "border-width:4px
         This is a outset border.  </p>
      <p style = "border-width:4px;
         This is a hidden border. </p>
      <p style = "border-width:4px;
         This border with four



5)Frame border

It is used to specify whether the three-dimensional border should be displayed between the Tames or not for these use two values 0 and 1, where 0 defines no border 

6) Frame spacing

It is used to specify the amount of spacing between the frames in a frameset. This can take any integer value as an parameter which basically denotes the value in pix

HTML frameset Tag


<! Doctype html>


<frameset rows="1,2" cols="1,2">

<frame src="frame_1.html">

 <frame src="frame_2.html">

 <frame src="frame_3.html">

<frame src="frame_4.html">


HTML frameset Tag


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