Sunday, December 31, 2023

html datetime picker

 html datetime  picker

เฎƒ datetime  tag html

      syntax :

<input type="datetime-local">

  i]  The  datetime result value  include  the year, month, day, time.

 ii]  Datetime  input type  add the <label> tag use best accessible. 

 iii]  html element represents a specific time.

 iv]   Html tag use to define date and time.

 v]   Display time value 24 hour clock or date in calendar in HTML.

 vi]   datetime used to define machine-readable date/time with time element.

 datetime Value description 

  YYYY  :-   Four digit year ( 01-12)
  MM      :-  Two digit month  (01-31)
  DD       :-   Two digit day  (01-31)
   T          :-   Time value 
 HH      :-     Two digit minute (00-24)
 MM    :-      Two digit minute (00-59)
  SS       :-     Two digit second (00-59)
  TZD   :-    Time zone

html datetime  picker

  Html program :-  

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>select specific date time</title>
   <h3>select specific date time</h3>
         <input type ="datetime-local"
name ="meetingdate"> <br><br>    
      <input type="submit">

html datetime  picker

Output :-

html date time tag /output

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html color tag

line break html

html contact us form

html student registration form

html id attribute

html abbr tag

Saturday, December 30, 2023

html color tag

 html color tag

เฎƒ color tag syntax :

   <input type="color"> 

  1]  Html is used to create a color picker.
  2]   Used to select a color from a visual interface.
  3]   The value of the tag is always a seven character
        string in the format  eg-#FFA07A

  4]   select user  use a specific color.   

Html program  
          html color tag

<!DOCTYPE html>

      <title>HTML color tag</title>
      <h2>select your favorite color</h2> <br>
      <input type="color" name="upclick"
value="#D35400" ><br>upclick<br><br>
      <input type="color" name="downclick"
value="#FF7F50 "><br>downclick

Output :-

     html color tag

html color tag output

visit link

line break html

drop down button

html radio button

html form

html list

insert a background image html

login form

Friday, December 29, 2023

file upload html

File Upload 

     <input type="file">

   html form tag  Attribute   

 เฎƒ  The html file tag is used to upload any file to server. 

 เฎƒ  Form gives  option to upload any file such as image, resume audio etc. to the server.

 เฎƒ File input tag.

 เฎƒ <input> element  use type = "file"  

 เฎƒ The user choose one or more files form device storage. 


          <input type="file">

  HTML program 

               File Upload 

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title> select file  </title>
    <h2> file to upload</h2>
       <label> file upload</label>
       <input type="file" name="newfile">


              file upload html program 

file upload html /output

visit link๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

image tag html

anchor tag html

paragraph tag html

comments tag html

line break html


                  Line Break


1]   A line break ends the line you are currently on and resumes on the next line. Placing <br /> within the code to break the line. Use the <br /> tag within the <p> (paragraph) tag.

2] A line break is marked up as follows:

3] The <br> tag inserts a single line break. 

4] The <br> tag is an empty tag which means that it has no end tag.

5] The <br> tag is an empty tag which means that it has no end tag. 

6] The <br> tag is useful for writing addresses or poems.

7] <br> tag to enter line breaks, not to separate paragraphs.


Syntax :


Line Break


<!DOCTYPE html>

 To break lines<br>in a text,<br>use the br element.




line break html program

Link visit

Friday, December 1, 2023

drop down button

drop down button

  •  Drop  down list  create a <select>  element  is use.
  • The name attribute is  reference the form data after the form is submitted 
  • The id attribute is needed to associate the drop down list with a label.
  • The id attribute is needed to drop down list with a label.
  • The <option> tag inside the <select>  element define the available options in the drop down list.



        Important attributes 

drop  down list html attributes

Html program

       drop down list

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>drop down list html</title>
    <h2>drop down list create in html</h2>
    <label for="game"> Choose a games</label>
       <select name="game" id="game">
      <option value="kho kho"> kho kho</option>
    <option value="kabaddi">kabaddi</option>
    <option value="hide and seek">Hide & Seek
      <option value="gutte">Gutte</option>
      <option value="vish amrit"> vish Amrit


       Drop down button  html

drop down box html

Visit link 

Html form input type  

Insert background image

html form

html list

how to create contact from

html article tag

Thursday, November 30, 2023

html radio button


              HTML Radio button

html radio button code/output

Radio Button information :-

Syntax :-

<input type ="radio">

  1. Input element use to html forms.
  1. The <input> type ="radio"  in radio button.
  1. Radio button use to the select exactly only one option  from a list or options.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title> radio buttom </title>
<body bgcolor="pink">
    <h4> input type ="radio" value <br>
radio button Use</h4>
 <input type ="radio" name="color" value="red">
 <input type ="radio" name="color" value="blue">
  <input type ="radio"  name="color"
<input type ="radio" name="color" value=
<input type ="radio" name="color" value=
        <input type="submit" value="submit">

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html form input type
Html unordered list
how to insert a background image in html
html anchor tag
Login form

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

HTML form Input Type


html form /output

 FORM  information :-


1)  FORM is a window or screen that contains fields or spaces to enter data.

2)  Form is user friendly than generating queries. 

3) create tables and insert data fields.

4)  A form can also have button, checkboxes , radio buttons , menus, other input controls.

5)  Form used to submit data to a web server.

6) FORM tag contain various elements as<input>,<select>,<textarea>, <label>,<button>


 HTML <input> element form element. used to create form fields, input from use .

 input control it set to text.

Attribute :-

1] Type :- 

type input control for text input controls  set to be text ( use r information).

2] name :-

  name used control which is sent to the server to recognize the value.

 1] html  <Input> element Example :-

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>HTML FORM  TAG </title>
<body bgcolor="lightskyblue">.
   Enter Your Name :
    <input type="text" name="username">


 html  <Input> element Output :- 

html  <Input> element  - Output

2]  Text Input Control Example:-

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>HTML FORM  TAG </title>
<body bgcolor="lightskyblue">
   <label for ="firstname">First Name</label>
      <input type="text" id="firstname" name=
   <label for="lastname">Last Name</label>
      <input type ="text" id="lastname"

 Text Input Control OUTPUT :-

Text Input Control - output/Result

HTML <input type ="password"> :-

  1. Password use to the entered characters are masked or hidden. 
  1.  password textbox hide characters.
  1. password use pattern attribute.

HTML Password Field Controls :- Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>HTML FORM  TAG </title>
<body bgcolor="lightskyblue">
    <label for="password">Password :-</label>
       <input type="password" id="password"

HTML Password Field Controls :- Output

HTML Password Field Controls - output/Result

HTML Email field Control :-

<input type ="email"> 

  •  Email tag use to the email address defines.
  • input value is automatically valid  the email address.

HTML Email field Control Example :-

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>HTML FORM  TAG </title>
<body bgcolor="lightskyblue">
    <label for="email"> Enter The Email address
       <input type="email" id="email" name=

HTML Email field Control :- output/Result

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HTML Description list | with example

html unordered list

how to add image tag in html

customer login form using html /css

Friday, November 17, 2023

HTML Description List | with Example

  HTML Description List 

html description list /output

 HTML Description List  :-

Que.  What is dl tag html?

                        Description list (dl) tag. 
                        They are 3 tag used to define description list.
                      <dl> ,< dt>  & <dd> tag use.


                  1) <dl> :-  tag use to defines the description list.

                   2) <dt> :-  tag used to defines data term /using the element /description                                         terms  name.

                   3) <dd>:- tag defines data definition /description each term.

HTML Description List Example :-

        <title>description list html</title>
    <h1>HTML description List </h1>
        <h3><dt> life</dt>      
        <dd>life is too short to spend your time Avoiding failure.
        <dt> Enjoy</dt>
        <dd>Enjoy life today because yesterday is gone<br>
         and tomorrow is never promised.</dd>
         <dd>Best moments of our life are not captured by camera
        but are stored as good memories in our mine
           and they always makes us smile.</dd>

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html unordered list

html ordered list

html customer login form

Responsive image hrml

html unordered list

Unordered List HTML

html unordered list/output

Q. what is the  unordered list in the html?

 Unordered List :-

                   1]   Unordered list is a Bulleted  Format.
                   2]  Unordered list starts with the <ul> tag.
                   3]  Unordered list end with the </ul> tag.
                   4]  Each unordered list item starts  with the <li> tag.
                   5]  Each Unordered list items end with the</li> tag.

Syntax :-

          <ul type=" put the list type "> 

 Que . What is the type  of unordered list in html ?

          Unordered list 4 type of bulleted format.
              1)    type = "disc"
              2)    type =  "circle"
              3)    type =  "square"
              4)    type =  "none"

1) disc :-

             disc is the default style.
             disc list items are maked with bullets.

Syntax :-

             <ul type="disc">

  HTML Unordered List (disc)  Example  :-           

<h1>Unordered list</h1>
    <h2> disc</h2>
    <ul type="disc">

HTML Unordered List (disc) Output :-

HTML Unordered List (disc) output


HTML Unordered List 

2) circle :- 

                  circle type is the list items are marked with circle.

Syntax :-

                 <ul type="circle">                   

HTML Unordered List(circle)  Example:-

<ul type="circle">

HTML Unordered List(circle) Output :-

html unordered list( circle) output

HTML Unordered List

3) square :-

                square  items  are marked with the square.

Syntax :-

        <ul type="square">

HTML Unordered List(square) Example :-

   <ul type="square" >  

HTML Unordered List(square) Output :-

html unordered list(square) output

html unordered list

4) none :-

    none list item are not a marked.

Syntax : 

            <ul type="none">

html unordered list(none) Example :-

<ul type="none" >


html unordered list(none) output

html unordered list(none) output

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HTML Ordered List

HTML insert a background

html anchor tag

html/css customer login form