<!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>html tag and use css</title> <style> h1 { text-align:center; color:red; } .color { background-color:blue; } .center{ text-align:center; color:magenta; } body{ background-repeat:"no-repeat"; background-size:100%180%; } .css { text-align:left; } #css{ color: orange; } </style> </head> <body background="E:\New folder\MCA1\web technology program\img.jpg" alt="image computer"> <h1><b>computer</b></h1> <h3><p class="center"><b>A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information pr data. it has the ability to store, retrieve and process data. you may alread know that you can use a computer to type document send email, play games and browse tha web. you can also use it to edit ot create spreadsheets presentation and even videos. </b></p></h3> <div class="color"<h1 class="css"><b>What is CSS</b></h1> <p id="css"><b>Cascading style sheets is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document. css is a computer language for laying out and structuring web page html or xml this language contains coding elements and is composed.</b></p></div> <img src="E:\New folder\MCA1\web technology program\htmldevo.jpg" alt="html developer" width="80px" height="90%"> <p style="color:gold" ><b> htmlthe first version of the html was written by<b> tim berners-lee in1993</b>.support linking among online resources. conputer with other digital formats used primarily textual document HTML tags are keywork which defines that how web browser will format and display the content. with the help pf tags a web browser can display the content. with the help of tags.</b></p> </body> </html>
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