Wednesday, April 3, 2024

PHP switch statement

 switch statement in PHP

PHP switch statement

1] switch case is use in menu driven programming.

2] The value of the switch expression is calculated once's then this
    value is match  which case in switch block---- if there is match
    associated case is executed.

3] use break keyword to transfer keyword outside they switch block
    after case execution.

4] switch case value is the expression is case sensitive.

5] The switch statement in PHP is an effective construct that lets you carry out various operations depending on various circumstances.
6]  It's especially helpful when you have to assess several scenarios and run various code blocks according to the first real situation that appears. Now let's see how it functions.

      Syntax :-

switch (expression/value)
  case value:  

  case value: 

      default :   

PHP switch statement 

    case 1 : $result =$no1+$no2;
     echo"Addition =".$result;
     case 2 : $result =$no1-$no2;
     echo"Substraction =".$result;
     case 3 : $result =$no1*$no2;
     echo"Multiplication =".$result;
     case 4 : $result =$no1/$no2;
     echo"division =".$result;
     default : echo "wrong choice";

PHP switch statement 
Output :- 

PHP switch statement  Example /output

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