Friday, May 31, 2024

Program to print inverted Pyramid star pattern in php

Inverted Pyramid star pattern in php

 Inverted Pyramid star pattern in php

Example :-

echo "<pre>";
$n =10;
for($a=10; $a>0;$a--)
  for($b=$n-$a; $b>0; $b--)
  echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
for($b=2*$a-1; $b>0; $b--)
echo "&nbsp;*";
//change only  echo ""; value
    //for example :- 1,d,4,h,9,...etc

 Inverted Pyramid star pattern in php 

Output :-

inverted Pyramid star pattern in php

2] Inverted Pyramid star pattern in php

Example :-

echo "<pre>";
$n =10;
for($a=10; $a>0;$a--)
  for($b=$n-$a; $b>0; $b--)
  echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
for($b=2*$a-1; $b>0; $b--)
echo ("&nbsp;A");
//change only  echo ""; value
    //for example :- 1,d,4,h,9,...etc

 Inverted Pyramid star pattern in php 

Output :-

inverted Pyramid star pattern in php

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