JavaScript Operators
1] Arithmetic Operators
2] Assignment Operators
3] Comparison Operators
4] String Operators
5] Logical Operators
6] Bitwise Operators
7] Ternary Operators
1] Arithmetic Operators JavaScript
1] Addition (+)
2] Subtraction (-)
3] Multiplication (*)
4] Exponentiation (**)
5] Division (/)
6] Modulus (%)
7] Increment (++)
8] Decrement (--)
Example :-
Operators |
Name |
Example |
Result |
+ |
Addition |
6+2 |
8 |
- |
Subtraction |
6 - 2 |
4 |
* |
Multiplication |
6 * 2 |
12 |
** |
Exponentiation |
2 **3 |
8 |
/ |
Division |
6 / 2 |
3 |
% |
Modulus |
7 % 3 |
1 |
++ |
Increment |
6 ++ |
7 |
Decrement |
6 - - |
5 |
2] Assignment Operators JavaScript
1] Assignment (=)
2] Addition Assignment (+ = )
3] Subtraction Assignment (- =)
4] Multiplication Assignment (* =)
5] Division Assignment (/ =)
6] Remainder Assignment (% =)
Example :-
3] Comparison Operators JavaScript
1] Equal to (==)
2] Equal value and equal type (= = =)
3] Not equal (! =)
4] Not equal value or not equal type (! = =)
5] Greater than ( > )
6] less than (< )
7] Greater than or equal to (> = )
8] less than or equal to (< =)
Example :-
4] String Comparison
String comparison operators use compare two strings to determine
Relative equality
1] Equality (= =)
2] Inequality ( ! =)
3] Greater than ( > )
4] Greater than or equal to (>= )
5] Less than (< )
6] Less than or equal to ( <= )
Example :-
5] Logical Operator JavaScript
1] logical and (&&)
2] logical or ( | | )
3] logical ( ! )
Logical Operator
Example :-
6] Bitwise Operators
1] AND ( & )
2] OR ( | )
3] NOT ( ~ )
4] XOR ( ^)
5] left shift ( << )
Bitwise Operators
Example :-
7] Ternary Operators
1] condition
2] expression_if_true
3] expression_if_false
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