
hTML DOM Document getElementsByClassName() method

HTML DOM Document getElementsByClassName() method

HTML DOM Document getElementsByClassName() method

JavaScript GetElementsByClassName(): DOM Selection

In the world of web development, knowing how to work with the Document Object Model (DOM) is key. The `getElementsByClassName()` method is a powerful tool for selecting elements by their class names. It helps developers target specific elements in the DOM easily and efficiently.


What is the getElementsByClassName()?

The getElementsByClassName() method is a built-in JavaScript function. It returns a live HTMLCollection of elements with the class name(s) you specify. This means the collection of elements changes as the DOM changes, giving you a real-time view of the targeted elements.

Syntax and Parameters


The syntax for using the getElementsByClassName() method is simple:


names is a string that lists the class name(s) you want to match, with each name separated by a space. You can call  method on element, not just document object, to find descendants with  class name you looking for.

To find all elements with the class my-class, you would use this code:


For elements with more than one class, like class1 class2, you can use:

document.getElementsByClassName('class1 class2'class3)

This will return an HTMLCollection with all elements that have both class1 and class2 applied to them.

   getElementsByClassName() method

        <h3 class="class">simple class </h3>
            var x=document.
            document.write(" calling return ")




Output :-

Retrieving Element by Class Name

The document.getElementsByClassName() method in JavaScript is a powerful tool. It helps you select elements by their class names. This makes it easier to work with specific elements on a web page.

Getting a Single Element with the Class Name

To get a single element with a specific class name, you can use the first element in the HTMLCollection.


This code returns the first element with the class name "test".


Selecting Multiple Elements with a Class

For selecting multiple elements with the same class, just call document.getElementsByClassName("test"). This gives you an HTMLCollection with all the matching elements.

For instance, if you have many elements with the class "myClass" on a page. You can use document.getElementsByClassName("myClass"). Then, you can change their styles or add event listeners to them.

The document.getelementsbyclassname() method is great for targeting specific elements by their class names. It helps make your JavaScript code more efficient and easy to maintain.


 Selecting Multiple Elements with a Class

For selecting multiple elements with the same class, just call document.getElementsByClassName("test"). This gives you an HTMLCollection with all the matching elements.

For instance, if you have many elements with the class "myClass" on a page. You can use document.getElementsByClassName("myClass"). Then, you can change their styles or add event listeners to them.

The document.getelementsbyclassname() method is great for targeting specific elements by their class names. It helps make your JavaScript code more efficient and easy to maintain.

Syntax and Usage

The syntax for using getElementsByClassName() is simple:


This method takes one parameter: the class name or a list of class names you want to find. It then returns an HTMLCollection with all elements on the page that match the class name(s).

1.  To get a single element with a specific class, use the item() method or array-like notation to pick the element from the collection.

2.  To get multiple elements with the same class, loop through the HTMLCollection or turn it into an array with the Array.from() method.





Returns an HTMLCollection of all elements in the document with the specified class name(s).


Returns an HTMLCollection of all child elements with the specified class name(s) of the element.



           Returns an HTMLCollection of all child elements with the               specified class name(s) of the element.


By using the what is getelementsbyclassname in javascript method, developers can easily target and work with specific elements on a web page. This helps them create dynamic and responsive user interfaces.

Working with the Returned HTMLCollection

Using the getelementsbyclassname() method in JavaScript gives you an HTMLCollection object. This lets you work with the chosen elements. The HTMLCollection has many useful properties and methods for easier DOM work.
HTMLCollection Properties and Methods
The getelementsbyclassname() method returns an HTMLCollection with these important parts and ways to use them:

  • length: Tells you how many elements are in the collection.
  • item(index): Gets an element from the collection by its index.
  • namedItem(name): Finds an element in the collection by its name attribute.

These help you easily get and change the selected elements. You can go through the collection, add styles, or do other things with the elements.

When you start to use document.getElementsByClassName() with other DOM methods, the possibilities are endless. This can make your web development better, improve user experiences, and make your code more efficient.

To get good at document.getElementsByClassName(), you need to know what it can do and how it works with other tools. With some trial and error, you'll soon be a pro at selecting elements in the DOM!

Browser Support

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Microsoft Edge

Apple Safari


Internet Explorer

getElementsByClassName(), which only matches exact class names.



Return Type


Finds the first element that matches the given CSS selector



Finds all elements that match the given CSS selector


Using querySelector() and querySelectorAll() lets you make your DOM selections more targeted and efficient. This makes your web pages more dynamic and responsive.


This deep dive into the JavaScript getEle

mentsByClassName() method has shown its strength and flexibility. It helps you pick and change DOM elements by their class names. We've covered the basics and how to use the HTMLCollection it returns.

Now, you know how to use the getElementsByClassName() method to make web pages more interactive. It's a key tool for making complex web apps or improving your coding efficiency.

Keep building your skills and exploring web development. 


Q. What is the getElementsByClassName() method in JavaScript?

The getElementsByClassName() method finds all elements with certain class names in a document. It returns an array-like object of these elements. This method helps you work with elements by their class names.

Q. What is the syntax and parameters for using getElementsByClassName()?

You use getElementsByClassName() like this: document.getElementsByClassName(names). "Names" is a string of class name to find, separated by spaces. You can call it on any element to find its descendants with those class names.

How do I retrieve a single element with a specific class name?

To get one element with a class, use document.getElementsByClassName("test")[0]. This gets the first element in the list.

Q. How do I select multiple elements with a class?

For many elements with a class, just call document.getElementsByClassName("test"). This gives you an HTMLCollection of all matching elements.

Q. What is the HTMLCollection returned by getElementsByClassName()?

getElementsByClassName() gives you an HTMLCollection. It's like an array that lets you access the found elements. You can use its length, item(), and namedItem() to work with the elements.

Q. Can I use getElementsByClassName() with other DOM methods?

Yes, you can mix getElementsByClassName() with other DOM methods. This lets you select and change elements in complex ways.

Q. How is the browser support for getElementsByClassName()?

Most modern browsers support getElementsByClassName(). This includes Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, and Opera. But older browsers like Internet Explorer 8 might need other methods or polyfills.

Q. What are some performance considerations when using getElementsByClassName()?

Think about performance when using getElementsByClassName(). It returns a live HTMLCollection, so changes to the DOM update the collection. This affects how you work with the elements.

Q. Are there alternatives to getElementsByClassName()?

Yes, you can use querySelector() and querySelectorAll() to select by class name. These are more flexible and powerful, especially when combining class names or other criteria.

Q. What are some real-world examples and use cases for getElementsByClassName()?

getElementsByClassName() is useful in many web development tasks. Examples include changing elements' looks, adding event listeners, or updating content based on class names.


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