CSS box model-Border property
1] The border-top property in css is shorthand property that allows.
2] Set the width, style, and color of the top border of an element in a single declaration.
3] Simplifies the process of styling the top border by combining several individual border
properties :-
1] border-Top
2] border-Bottom
3] border-right
4] border-left
1] border -top Property :-
1] border-top-width :- 1] property sets the width of the top border.
2] specify the width using values like pixels and percentages.
2] border-top-style :- 1] property sets the style of the top border of an element.
2] choose various styles as solid, dashed, dotted, double etc
3] border-top-color :- 1] property sets th color of the top border.
2] specify the color using color name RGB values etc.
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