Client side Scripting :
To view the website, users must use a browser. This browser may be called a client. Customers can access the website via mobile phone, laptop, computer, tablet, etc. They can display using different technologies. Client side scripts are used and executed here. Client-side scripts are executed by the browser.
Since JavaScript is universally supported, any script written in JavaScript can be run on the client. web browser, not server side (on the web server). This type of computer is an important part of the Dynamic HTML (DHTML) concept that allows web pages to be written.
Its purpose is to create code that can be run on the client (browser) without needing to run on the server side. Basically these formats are embedded in HTML files. Client-side scripts can be used to check user data for errors before sending it and to replace content based on user input. The operation of a website requires three components: client, server, and database. Effective use of client-side scripts can reduce server load. It is designed to run as a scripting language that uses a web browser as the main program.
HTML was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1993. The most widely use
to the version throughout the 2000s was HTML 4.01, which became a standard in December 1999. Another version, XHTML, is a language that rewrites HTML as XML Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML. is a markup language designed to display information in web browsers. It is the basic building block of web programming and provides tools for creating web pages for the web. Explains the preparation of the content.
HTML is a language that defines the structure of web pages. HTML provides a way to publish information online with lists, text, tables, names, images, and more.
Easy to learn and easy to use. It is platform independent. Images, video and audio can be added to web pages. network. The Spherical Universe was born in a place you might least expect: at the European Center for Particle Physics (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland
CSS provides a way to create graphics that help create the look and feel of a web page. (CSS)Cascading Style Sheets is
the language used to the presentation of documents written in a
languages such as HTML or XML CSS, along with HTML and JavaScript, is the core technology of the World Wide Web.
CSS is a language designed to simplify the process of creating web pages. CSS allows you to style web pages. What's more, CSS allows you to do this independently of the HTML that makes up each web page. Describes the appearance of the web page: showing colors, fonts, spacing, and more. In short, you can make your website look the way you want. CSS allows developers and designers to define how content behaves, including in the browser. HTML page. You can define templates for each HTML element and apply them to any number of
web pages..
If you use CSS you don't always need to write HTML tags. Just write a CSS rule for a document and apply it to all occurrences of that tag. So less code to the faster download times
Style sheets allow content to be optimized for different types of
devices. Using the same HTML document, different web pages can be created for
handheld devices such as PDAs and mobile phones, or for printing.
HTML behavior is not supported by CSS. Therefore, it's a good idea to
start using CSS on all your HTML pages to make them compatible with future
JavaScript is a coding language used by both clients and servers to make web pages interactive. HTML and CSS are languages that provide structure and style to web pages; JavaScript, on the other hand, provides interactive content for web pages that attracts users' attention. It is also a client-side language and is mainly designed for a specific purpose, but there are now many JavaScript frameworks used as server-side scripting technology. A static page can be turned into an interactive page when combined with JavaScript, thus improving the user experience of the web page. To summarize, JavaScript adds new features to web pages. Change
to the colour button when mouse hovers over.
Scroll down to the image carousel on the home page. Zoom in or out on the image. Put a time or countdown on your website. Play audio and video on web pages. Use the hamburger menu..
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