Website information
A collection of web pages grouped together and
usually linked together in various
ways. Commonly referred to as a “website” or “site”. A document that contains a
combination of computer data, including
graphics, audio text, video, multimedia, and interactive
content that begins when a user interacts with
the page. Every website has a unique address through which users can access
web pages through third-party applications called web
browsers. We enter the website address in the URL
bar of the browser and access the
website address,
A website is a collection of
linked pages (and related resources) with a unique identifier. All pages on
this website contain direct links, usually clickable text, that allow users to
navigate from one page of the website to another.
1] Web
A portal is the special website that the collects of information
from various sources (such as email, online chat and search engines) in a
single format. In general, each information source has a specific area on the
information page. Examples include service portals, community portals, and
education portals. A portal is a website that contains certain information or
data and contains links to other websites that provide access to related
information or data.
Web Address:-
A URL contains information about the location of a web page. It is also called a URL, and just like your address, a web browser sets information about the location of a web page in a predictable way, for example, when combined is called a domain name. A unique name used to access a website for information, followed by a domain name. This addresses
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators).
3] Protocols:-
A communication protocol is a system that allows two or more communication entities to send information through any physical transmission. Contract rules define syntax, semantics, and synchronization. A protocol is a set of procedures for communication. In other words, the protocol tells your browser how to communicate with web servers to send and store data. A business. Standard procedures, often outlined in diagrams or written in text, may or may actually be recognized nationally but not nationally.
https:// -
1] web browser
should access resource.
hypertext transfer protocol (secure)
4] Domain
A domain name is the address you enter into your web browser's address bar to access your website. For example, the domain is reserved for websites of the same name.
Domain Name :-
1] domain name is the unique identifies the name .
2] identifies the website.
5] Web
A web server is a remote location that provides information to users through web browser requests. A web server is a computer that hosts one or more websites. "Hosted" means that all web pages and their supporting files are hosted on that computer. The web server will deliver web pages from the website it hosts to each user's browser according to the user's request.
Web servers are software and hardware that use HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and other protocols to respond to requests from around the world. , process web pages and send them to users to display web content. Send and receive emails. Download requests for File Transfer Protocol (FTP) files; and create and publish web pages.
5] Path :- " /path/to/page"
1] path is context of a Uniform Resource
Locator (URL ).
2] path refer to specific location.
3] domain name separated for (/).
URL :-
Domain name is :-
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