
Sunday, July 24, 2022

html meta tag

 META Description


Meta elements are tag use HTML and XHTML documents to provide structured metadata about a Web page. meta element part of web page head section. Multiple Meta element different attributes can be use same page. 

<meta name="keywords" content="HTML, CSS, JavaScript"> <meta name="author" content= "Web desigining">

The <meta> tag defines metadata about an HTML document. Metadata is data (information) about data. The <meta> tag support the Global Attributes in the  HTML.

<meta> tags always inside <head> element they typically use character set  page description, keywords, author document ,viewport settings.Meta elements use HTML , XHTML document provide structured metadata Web page. They  part of  web page head section. Multiple Meta element with the different attributes  use on the same page. 

The head of an HTML document is  not displayed in  web browser when the page loaded. It contains information such <title>, links to CSS use  style your HTML content with CSS  links to custom favicons, and metadata data about the HTML, such as  author important keywords that describe the document. Web browsers use information contained  HTML document correctly.

 metadata use Search engines  Google meta tags to understand additional information about webpage.   information use ranking purposes display snippets search results, and sometimes they  ignore meta tags. Example  <title> and <description> elements.



  <meta charset="utf-8">

  <title>My test page</title>


Meta html details information

Attributes of the META Element

1) Charset

Value  -  character_set

Description :-

<title>Specifying Metadata-</title>

 <meta charset="UTF-8">

 Specifies the character encoding for the HTML document.  browser to use the utf-8 character encoding data translating machine code into the human undestanding human-readable text and vice versa  displayed in the browser.The purpose of  charset parameter is  specify the encoding of the external script cases encoding is not specified the HTTP protocol level.  override encoding information in HTTP headers.

 UCS Transformation Format 8 ,(www) World Wide Web's most common character encoding. Each character represent (1 to 4 byte) by one to four bytes. UTF-8 is backward-compatible with ASCII and represent any standard Unicode character.

2)  Contents

Value - some_text


The property is used to insert generated content web page and fully supported  all  browsers.Text Specifies value associated with the http-equiv or name attribute. The HTML content Attribute is use given value that are related to http-equiv or name attribute. The content attribute can associated <meta> element. Content element are individual design and user experience (UX) component that messaging and brand experiences together. a content element does not conve the brand message ,vision. When content elements work seamlessly the messaging they help content vision to life.

3)  http-equiv

Value :- content-security-policy content-type default-style refresh


 The http-equiv attribute provides HTTP header information and value of content attribute. The http-equiv attribute  use to simulate an HTTP response header. http-equiv = "content-type"  is the Indicates meta element encoding declaration state and the represents a character encoding declaration. content = meta-charset string. A specially formatted string providing a character encoding name.

4) name 

Value :-   author.description, keywords generator.revised, others

Description :-

<meta name="description" content="HTML Basics">

The name attribute use to reference elements. JavaScript reference form data after form is submitted.The name attribute specifies  name for an HTML element. This name attribute can be use reference the element a JavaScript.  <form> element, the name attribute is use reference the data is submitted. <iframe> element the name attribute use to target  form submission.

attribute identifier, also called attribute name, string that identifies attribute. An attribute value  content of the attribute  not restricted  the of string. use an attribute name when you want to specify a particular attribute  either retrieval, searches, modification.

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Sunday, July 17, 2022

html link tag

 Attribute of the LINK Element 

The link element allows to authors link their document other resources. The destination of  link  by  the href attribute, which must  present and must contain valid non empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces. A link of element must have rel attribute.

1] Href

Value :-   URL

Syntax :-

<a href="url">link text</a>

Description :-

Specified the target URL you navigate to  after clicking a link.The href attribute link  short for “Hypertext REFerence” indicates the relationship between pages to search engines. href is the  attribute of  anchor tag and contains a two components.The URL (the actual link) and. The clickable text or object that users will see on the page known as the “anchor text”

2] Hreflang

Value:-   Language_code

Description :-

Hreflang  HTML attribute use specify the language and geographical target webpage.  multiple versions of  same page and different languages, can use  hreflang tag search engines like Google these variations. hreflang attribute allow and show search engines what is the  relationship  between web pages alternate languages. It useful when created content the specific a local audience.

 hreflang tags are important to Reach potential customers in different countries. Serve  correct content to  the visitors base on their region and preferred language. Build  strong in international (SEO) search engine optimization your website.

3] Media

Value :- Screen, try, projection, handheld, print 


<tagname media="expression" />

Description :- 

Specified the device on which the HTML document is displayed media attribute is a specifies what media or device is the linked document and  optimized. This attribute used to specify  the target URL is designed  special devices (such as iPhone), speech or print media.

Elements         Attribute
<a>                      media
<area>                media
<link>                 media
<source>            media

 media attribute is a specifies media or device type  linked page or resource is  attribute can specify pages or resources are designed for the mobile devices, print media, and others.
this media accepts is the multiple media or device type values to combined with logical conditions and, or, not.

4] Rel

Value  :-   Alternate, archives, author, first help, icon, index, last, license, next, pingback, prefetch, search, stylesheet, sidebar, tag,up

Syntax :-      <link rel="value">

Description :-

 Specifies  relationship between html document & target URL or other HTML document.rel is short for relation. It specifies the relation between  tag or href . href stands for hypertext reference. It the source of  file used by  tag. You can use both not only when connecting an external css file, also for using <a> tags,for a regular hyperlink. rel attribute defines as the relationship between  linked resource and  current document. Valid on <link> , <area> , <a> , <form>  supported values depend on  element  which the attribute is found.

Rel attributes is  little bits of html text  deail that the relationship between  page a link  and the page or document  is pointing to. Rel attributes can be use for link and also other element of html like site navigation or forms.

5] Sizes

Value :-  Any number


Syntax :-  <input size = "value">

Description :-

Description the size of the linked html document.The size attribute defines the width of the <input> and the height of the <select> element.  if the type of attribute is text or password then is the number of characters. This must be an integer value 0 or higher.HeightxWidth It is used to specify the one or more sizes of a linked icon. The value of the height and the width are separated by an “Y” or “Y”.The HTML link sizes Attribute is used to specify the sizes of the icon for visual media and it only works when rel=”icon”. It is a read-only Property.

7] Type

Value:-   The mime_type : text/JavaScript,text/css

Syntax:-    <link Type="value">


Specifies the multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) type of the target URL the MIME type decide which type of language rules are to followed HTML, page , such as JavaScript or css use. 
The HTML  Attribute  used  specify the type of button for <button> elements. It also used in the <input>type  element  specify the type of input display. embed elements  link, script, source, object,  and style use to specify the Internet Media The HTML type Attribute is used to specify the type of button for <button> element.

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Saturday, July 9, 2022

html head Tag


 Head section

Head section

   The head section container set of elements that provide the metadata for the document. This the metadata can be specify the title element, character set, author, description or keywords of  web page (meta element), a style sheet or relational information (link element) or embedded style declarations (style element), among others. The presence of  title element is mandatory to the inside the head section of  HTML document. Most metadata  not displayed in the browser (although  title usually appears in the browser's title bar) it can be useful for the functionality of the page.


 The <head> tag is written as <head></head> with the metadata content enclosed between the start and end tags. The <head> tag  placed between  opening and closing <html> tags. Most HTML pages must have a <title> tag within the <head> tag.

<!doctype html>



<title> Page ...</title>



Page body...



the HEAD element, only to the certain elements are allowed. Information to the HEAD element may include to the following elements (arranged alphabetically)

1. Base Element  

The <base> element specifies the base URL and/or target for all relative URLs in a page. It is used either a href or a target attribute present, or both.


<base> is written as <base href="" target="">. It is used either a href attribute or


Specified a default URL and a default target for links on  page: 



<base href="" target="_blank">



<h1>The base element</h1>

<P>the head section</p>

<p> specified a relative address.specified a base URL in head section</p>

<img src="images/about.gif">




The ISINDEX element informs to HTML user agent the document is an index document. The document  queried with  keyword search by adding a question mark to the end of the document address, followed by a list of keywords separated by plus signs.The URL use for processing querie can be overrid with the HREF attribute. 

 <ISINDEX HREF="Personal.db" PROMPT="Enter Surname : ">


The LINK element indicates a relationship between the current document and an external LINK The LINK element indicates a relationship between the current document and an external resource. The <link> tag is the most  used to the link a external style sheets:

 LINK element  empty (does not have  closing tag), takes to the  same attributes as the anchor element.


<title> Linking stylesheet</title>

<link rel="ess stylesheet" href="style.css">


The syntax is <link rel=" " href=" ">. rel attribute specifies to the relationship between  document containing the hyperlink and the destination resources. href attributes specifies to address of the hyperlink.

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Monday, July 4, 2022


 HTML Tag 

Html basic tag:-

 <!DOCTYPE html>

first line of the code <!DOCTYPE html> is called a doctype declaration the browser which version of HTML the page is written
. Html tag using the doctype the HTML5, the most up-to-date version of  HTML language.The DOCTYPE declaration of the instruction to web browser of HTML the page is written in. 


<Html>.   </html>

<html> tag tells the browser  this is HTML document. The <html> tag represent the root of  HTML document. The <html> tag is the container for other HTML elements  <!DOCTYPE> . The HyperText Markup Language or HTML is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser.HTML is a computer language that makes up most web pages and online applications. A hypertext text used to reference other pieces of text, while a markup language is a series of markings that tells web servers the style and structure of a document.
 HTML element  type of HTML document component, one of several types HTML nodes. HTML is  document compose with the  tree of simple HTML nodes, such as the text nodes, and HTML elements, which add semantics and formatting to parts of document. Each html  element can have HTML attributes specified.


<Head>. </Head>

The<head> tag is another tag used in the HTML document used at the initial and primary level to put a heading to be displayed in the browser window. We put the information between the opening and closing of this tag which gives the information about the page.The <title> element is required and it defines the title of the document. The <style> element is used to define style information for a single document.

The <head> tag  element is a contain for metadata mean (data about data) and is place between the <html> tag and the <body> tag. Metadata is data about the HTML document. Metadata is not displayed. Metadata define the document title, styles ,character set,  scripts, and other meta information. They are six heading tag such as H1 , H2 , H3 , H4 , H5 , H6 elements. A heading element describe the topic of the section it introduces.


<Title> </title>

Title tag is primary lever or entry level html. Title tag which use to assign information as title bar to displayed at the title bar of  web browser. The title tag defines as the title document. The title must text-only and shown in the browser title. bar or  page's tab. 

The contents of a page title is very important for search engine optimization (SEO) The Title page is used by search engine for the  algorithms to decide the order when listing  the web pages in search results.


<Body>. </Body>

The text between <body>......</body> tag describes the visible page content. This is another HTML is tag which is considered the main part of the HTML document which contains the entire information related to a web page tried to be shown in the web page by web designer. The ended every tag you use in the HTML document earlier in the same

The <body> tag defines the document's body. The <body> element contains all the contents of HTML document, such as images, hyperlinks ,headings, paragraphs, tables, lists, etc.

What is an Element:-

An element is a part of a webpage. In XML and HTML an element may contain a data item or.a text and images  A type element includes an opening tag with some attributes enclosed text content and closing tag.  

<p class="nice">Hello world!</p>

Opening tag  :-   <p class="nice">
Closing tag.  :-   </p>
Enclosed text content :-  Hello world
An attribute and its value :-  
< p class=" nice"

Element and tags are not the same things. Tags being or end an element model for displaying the Page in the browser.An HTML element is a component of an HTML document that tells a web browser how to the structure and interpret is the  part of the HTML document. The HTML elements can contain formatting instructions, semantic content

HTML tag categorised 

1 container tag:- 

It consist of opening tag+content+Closing tag.

<html> opening tag

</html> Closing tag

The forward slash(/) on the closing tag. This tells to the browser that the tag has ended. 

2. Empty Tag:-

It have the start tag only. It consist   no content so it is  the called empty tag <br> is empty element without a closing tag  <br> tag defines a line break.

html user the empty tag that browser to display the content. tags are nothing but some instruction 

that are enclosed in angle braces(< >).tag 

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Sunday, July 3, 2022

Introduction of HTML

 Introduction of HTML


Introduction to HTML

HTML IS Hypertext Markup Language.

HTML is the Standard markup language for creating web pages.

HTML code is used to structure of a web page.

HTML For creating and structuring content on the world wide web .

HTML element content such as Heading, Paragraph, Link , Images, and Underline tag, Table, Form etc..

HTML is the standard markup markup language use to web pages. HTML describes the structure of web page.HTML consist of keyword/html Tag enclosed in angle brackets and most tag in pairs forming and opening tag, content, and closing tag. html opening tag Example :- <h1> and html closing tag s convey the forward-slash example :-</h1>

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as JavaScript. HTML. (HyperText Markup Language)HTML is the most widely used language on Web to develop web pages. In Late 1991 Berners-Lee created HTML but "HTML 2.0(1995)" was the first standard HTML. 

A markup language is a programming language that is used make text more interactive and dynamic. HTML documents are ASCII text files that can be edited using simple editors.Hyper Text simply means "Text within Text". A text has a link within it, is a hypertext. Every time when you click on a word which brings you to a new webpage, you have clicked on a hypertext. Web browsers can read HTML files and render them into visible or audible web pages. Browsers do not display the HTML tags and scripts, but use them to interpret the content of the page. HTML is the language for describing the structure of Web pages. HTML gives authors the means to: Publish online documents with headings, text, tables, lists, photos, etc. Retrieve online information via hypertext links, at the click of a button.

HTML  language for describing to the structure of web pages. HTML given authors the means to publish online documents with heading, text table, lists , photos, video etc. Retrieve online information via hypertext links, click of a button. HTML "markup" language to annotate text, images, and other content for display in a Web browser.

  HTML markup includes special "elements" tag  such as <head>, <title>, <body>, <header>, <footer>, <article>, <section>, <p>, <div>, <span>, <img>, <aside>, <audio>, <canvas>, <datalist>, <details>, <embed>, <nav>, <output>, <progress>, <video>, <ul>, <ol>, <li> and many others tag.

HTML Versions :-

 HTML 1991:-

1991 developer is Tim Berner-Lee publicly posted the HTML in a document HTML Tags.  first version of the HTML had 18 elements which were are mostly influenced by SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) except for the hyperlink.

The browsers and these characteristics can be modified and enhanced using CSS.

1991 - Tim Berners-Lee created HTML 1.0

1993 year

HTML is the 1.0 was first released in 1993 for  the developers.

Html developers were creating websites so it was evolving slowly during those time.

HTML  Nov 24, 1995 :-

This year HTML 2.0 was published. All of the features of HTML 1.0  inherited in HTML 2.0 plused new features added. Until to the release  HTML 3.0, its remains  to the standard markup language to creating the websites

HTML  Jan 14, 1997:-

HTML 3.2 was the published  1997

It was the first version of HTML which was developed by W3C

In this version, there was good support for form elements

One of the most important thing that added in this version was the support of  the CSS


HTML   1999 year:-

HTML 4.01 was published as W3C Recommendation on Dec 14, 1999

html version was the most successful of all previous HTML released versions.

In this the version multimedia, scripting, better printing features.

HTML 2014 year:-

HTML5 (latest version of HTML) was released on Oct 28, 2014 Recommendation.

It was the published version of HTML 4.01 in 2012.

Many new tags were added in this version like <header>, <footer>, <main>, <video>, etc

HTML5 support mathML and SVG in text.

Structure of HTML:-









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Saturday, July 2, 2022

Dynamic website in web Designing

    Dynamic website

Dynamic website:-

A dynamic website is a set of web pages whose content changes dynamically. Dynamic websites access information in a database. Therefore, when you change or update the content of the document, the content of the website will also change or update. Dynamic websites use client-side scripting, server-side scripting, or both to create dynamic content. These websites also contain standard HTML code. For example, the Computer Hope homepage is a web page that changes daily to provide new content to visitors.

Client-side HTML scripting, the page may use JavaScript or other script to dynamically manipulate page data. Page rendering is determined by the parameters specified in the server-side script. In contrast, static websites require users to create pages in an HTML editor. Server-side dynamic sites require at least one request for data or other information, which increases loading time.

Advantages and disadvantages of Dynamic web site :


1] It’s  easier to add new content without needing to code. 

2] Dynamic websites have  interactive pages. 

3] you can  use it in many situation online stores, forums, social media platforms,

4] powerful  websites can be available online. Here are  some of the advantages you  can gain by developing and coding your brand .

5] Much Easier  Update There no doubt a dynamic website allows site managers to the update files and a  content more easily to a across many pages. This is because each web pages has developed separately.

6]  changing your site  navigation for the  instance. The file that holds navigation   of the information.

7] powerful web design allows you to easily return better contern content or information stored within it. .



·  Complexity of Development:

 Dynamic websites require more development than static websites. They include server-side scripting, database management, and various technologies (PHP, ASP.NET, Python, etc.). This difficulty increases development time and cost. 

·  Higher Maintenance Needs: 

This includes updates to serverside scripts, database maintenance, and compatibility with   new websites and browser updates

·  Slower Loading Speed:

more slowly. Each page is created dynamically based on user requests, including querying data and processing scripts. This can cause longer loading times, especially if the server is slow or overloaded.

 ·  Security Vulnerabilities:

They contain serverside scripts and data interactions that hackers can target if security measures are not followed. Common vulnerabilities include SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and server insecurity. 

·  Cost of Hosting:

Dynamic websites often need a lot of client resources (CPU, memory, storage) to handle database queries and script execution. This can lead to higher hosting costs, especially for busy websites.


·  Complex SEO Implementation

Dynamically generated URLs may not be clean or SEO friendly compared to static URLs. Additionally, excessive use of JavaScript to create content prevents search engine crawlers from indexing your site properly.

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Friday, July 1, 2022

Static Website html tag web designing

 Static Website 

Static website:-

A static website is a group of webpages that have consistent, fixed content for all users. A website with fixed content doesn't use a database. HTML documents that are saved as files in the file system and made accessible by the web server over HTTP are frequently used to create static web pages. Database design and Web programming are not needed for static websites. Furthermore, updating static websites requires getting straight into the HTML and altering it there.

In contrast to dynamic web pages, which are produced by a web application, static web pages—also referred to as flat pages or stationary pages—are sent to the user's web browser precisely as stored.The simplest and most fundamental type of website is a static one. It just needs client-side processing; server-side, or back-end, processing is not necessary. The client-side technologies are JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.Because static web pages are composed of "fixed code," nothing will change on the page until the site developer makes updates. Consider it to be commercial information. A brochure can provide much of the same information as a static website, however static websites aren't able to update itself.

Consider it to be commercial information. A brochure can provide much of the same information as a static website, however static websites aren't able to update itself. Someone has to make a new page in order to do this. For this reason, static webpages. 

Because static websites are simpler and don't require connections to databases of structured material, they may be created and published more quickly. The only factor limiting the launch date of a static website is the level of creativity you choose to put into each page design.

Advantages of static websites

  1. 1. A simpler website to create.
    2. Typically loads more quickly on a browser.
    3. The cost of developing a static website is lower.
    4. Static webpages are often safer.
    Search engines find it simpler to rank static websites since they often load more quickly.
    6. You don't need sophisticated tools to create static webpages.
    7. Building a static website is less expensive.
    8. With a static website, you may alter the appearance and style of every page. 

disadvantages of static web site:- 

    1. Non-interactive  pages
    2.  Updates must be made directly within in the HTML code. 
    3. Inability to perform the complex tests required by many  functionality required in many modern sites.
    4. Making updates to static websites can be challenging and time-consuming, when they are  large.
    5. Creating a design the basic structure, it can be hard to scale a website to add new content.


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