Showing posts with label html<link>tag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label html<link>tag. Show all posts

Sunday, July 17, 2022

html link tag

 Attribute of the LINK Element 


The link element allows authors to link their document to other resources. The destination of the link(s) is given by the href attribute, which must be present and must contain a valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces. A link element must have rel attribute

1] Href

Value :-   URL

Syntax :-

<a href="url">link text</a>

Description :-

Specified the target URL you navigate to  after clicking a link.

The href attribute link  short for “Hypertext REFerence” indicates the relationship between pages to search engines. href is an attribute of the anchor tag and contains two components: The URL (the actual link) and. The clickable text or object that users will see on the page known as the “anchor text”

2] Hreflang

Value:-   Language_code

Description :-

Defines the base language of the target URL

Hreflang is an HTML attribute used to specify the language and geographical targeting of a webpage. If you have multiple versions of the same page in different languages, you can use the hreflang tag to tell search engines like Google about these variations. Introduced by Google in December 2011, the hreflang attribute allows you to show search engines what the relationship is between web pages in alternate languages. It's useful when you've created content that's specific to a local audience.

 hreflang tags are important to: Reach potential customers in different countries. Serve the correct content to visitors based on their region and preferred language. Build a strong international search engine optimization (SEO) strategy for your website.

3] Media

Value :- Screen, try, projection, handheld, print 


<tagname media="expression" />

Description :- 

Specified the device on which the HTML document is displayed

The media attribute specifies what media or device the linked document is optimized for. This attribute is used to specify that the target URL is designed for special devices (like iPhone), speech or print media.

Elements         Attribute
<a>                      media
<area>                media
<link>                 media
<source>            media

The media attribute specifies the media or device type the linked page or resource is optimized for.

This attribute can specify pages or resources that are designed for mobile devices, print media, and others.

media accepts multiple media or device type values combined with logical conditions (and, or, not).

4] Rel

Value  :-   Alternate, archives, author, first help, icon, index, last, license, next, pingback, prefetch, search, stylesheet, sidebar, tag,up

Syntax :-      <link rel="value">

Description :-

 Specifies the relationship between the html document and target URL or another HTML document. A rel was a Dalek unit of measurement, principally of time.

rel is short for relation. It specifies the relation between the tag and href . href stands for hypertext reference. It's the source of the file used by the tag. You can use both not only when connecting an external css file, also for using <a> tags,for a regular hyperlink. The rel attribute defines the relationship between a linked resource and the current document. Valid on <link> , <a> , <area> , and <form> , the supported values depend on the element on which the attribute is found.

Rel attributes are little bits of html text that detail the relationship between the page a link is on and the page or document it is pointing to. Rel attributes can be used for links and also other elements of html like site navigation or forms.

5] Sizes

Value :-  Any number


Syntax :-  <input size = "value">

Description :-

Description the size of the linked html document.
The size attribute defines the width of the <input> and the height of the <select> element. For the input , if the type attribute is text or password then it's the number of characters. This must be an integer value 0 or higher.HeightxWidth It is used to specify the one or more sizes of a linked icon. The value of the height and the width are separated by an “Y” or “Y”.

The HTML link sizes Attribute is used to specify the sizes of the icon for visual media and it only works when rel=”icon”. It is a read-only Property.

7] Type

Value:-   The mime_type : text/JavaScript,text/css

Syntax:-    <link Type="value">


Specifies the multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) type of the target URL the MIME type decide which type of language rules are to followed HTML, page , such as JavaScript or css use. 

The HTML type Attribute is used to specify the type of button for <button> elements. It is also used in the <input> element to specify the type of input to display. For embed elements like link, object, script, source, and style used to specify the Internet Media 
The HTML type Attribute is used to specify the type of button for <button> element.

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