Showing posts with label abbr tag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abbr tag. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

abbr tag in html


abbr tag in html

1] The <abbr> tag define an abbreviation or acronym.

2]  abbr tag used to global  title attribute.

3] abbr tag  is the content write with dotted underline.

 4] abbr tag is typically used to provide explanation or expansion of an abbreviation
      or acronym for user.
5]  <abbr> tag help make web content more accessible and understandable for user.
 Syntax :-
          <abbr title="abbreviation" >abbr</abbr>

Title :- 

 1] attribute is used to provide the full explanation  or  expansion of the abbreviation.
 2]  browser usually display a tooltip with the content of the title attribute.

abbr tag html

    Html program :-  

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Abbreviation tag html</title>
   <h3>abbreviation tag in html</h3>
<!--h3 tag use -->
<h4>abbr tag use a title attribute an
abbreviation or acronym </h4>
<!-- h4 tag use -->    

<abbr title="ABBREVIATION "><b>abbr</b></abbr>
<!--abbr tag use -->

abbr tag html

        output :-  

abbr tag html /output

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