Showing posts with label Basefont Tag In Html. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Basefont Tag In Html. Show all posts

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Basefont Tag In Html

      Html <basefont> tag

  1]  <basefont> tag used in HTML to set a default font size and color text.

 2]   basefont used html fort family for all the text in a web page.

 3]   basefont tag is not supported in HTML5.

 4]   basefont tag is not supported by modern and updated browsers.

 5]   CSS use the style attribute or a separate style sheet apply colors, size, fonts 

      to different html element.

 6]  CSS  provides much more flexibility and control  over styling  compared to the                  <basefont> tag.

7]  <basefont> tag is used the <head> section.

      syntax :-

        <basefont color="red" size="5"font-family="courier-serif">

Html <basefont> tag :-


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>html basefont tag </title>
     <basefont color="red" size="5"
    <h2>html basefont tag </h2>
    <h3> basefont tag is not support </h3>
    <p> basefont tag used html default
text-color <br>
       and font-size ,font-family  family
html documetn </p>

Html <basefont> tag :-


Basefont Tag Tag In Html /OUTPUT


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