Showing posts with label front end and back end information. Show all posts
Showing posts with label front end and back end information. Show all posts

Friday, June 24, 2022

Front end and backend information

Front End & Back End

Front-end and back-end

Q . What is the Front End ?

Front End:-

A front-end of any website is part of a system that is directly accessed and interacted by the user to receive or utilize capabilities of the website. It enables users to access and request the features and services of the underlying website. In other words Front-end construct the visible parts of websites that users see and interact with in their web browsers. The front end is built with languages like: HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc. The front end development also referred to as "client-side" development, it includes everything the user experiences directly: from text and colors to buttons, images and navigation menus, A front-end system is part of an information system that is directly accessed and interacted with by the user to receive or utilize back-end capabilities of the host system. It enables users to access and request the features and services of the underlying information system. A front-end system is  primarily used to send queries and requests and receive data from the back-end system or the host information system. it server or provides users with the ability to interact and use an information system. typically front-end systems.

     A  common front-end job title is "web designer. " A web designer, you guessed it, designs websites. The job title of web designer is pretty broad, though. A web designer could just be someone who designs the sites in a program like Photoshop or Fireworks and will never touch the code. But in another location, a web designer could do all the design comes in Photoshop and then be responsible for creating all the HTML and CSS (and sometimes even JavaScript) to go along with it. A front-end designer or developer can create a site without any back-end development.

Advantages of Front-end development:

Powerful functionality:-

The latest front-end technologies and frameworks offer powerful features as well as performance. Thus organisations can give better value to clients and customers. Also, the existing front-end development software have more number of as well as varied offerings. The layer above the back end is the front end and it includes all software or hardware that is part of a user interface. Human or digital users interact directly with various aspects includes (Good design , white space, color, navigation, positioning, mobile ability, typography) of the front end of a program, including user-entered data, buttons, page quality, responsive website page, programs, websites.

"Aspects details information" website design

Simple to learn:-

The latest technologies employed in front-end development are simple to master, use as well as comprehend. The learning curve is relatively small. modern frameworks and technologies preferred for front end development have passed through most stringent recurrences and extend very user friendly constructing layers that are very easy to learn to learn from.

Rapid response:-

The site, designed leveraging modern technologies, communicates, responds and functions quickly as well as seamlessly. rapid responsive design uses a single layout for a web page then dynamically adapts to best fit the users screen whether its a desktop laptop, tablet or mobile device. responsive web design  only improves user experience but also increases development and design efficiency. This method of web design. responsive designs’ simplified layouts provide your mobile users with more enjoyable experiences. And as we already know, with more and more web traffic coming from mobile, a good mobile experience is essential. Responsive web designs

Rapid response Extra information

Highly secure:-

security protects sensitive information from unauthorized activities, including inspection, modification, recording, and any disruption or destruction. The goal is to ensure the safety and privacy of critical data such as customer account details, financial data or intellectual property. The sites created using the latest technologies are less vulnerable to cyber threats. Firms can expect an extremely secure environment.

 seven properties of highly secure, network-connected devices a hardware-based root of trust, a small trusted computing base, defense in depth, compartmentalization, certificate-based authentication, security renewal, and failure reporting.

Q. what is the Back End?

Back End:-

The back End (or "server-side") is the portion of the website you don't see. It's responsible for storing and organizing data and ensuring everything on the client-side actually works. The back End

Whenever you fill out a contact form, type in a web address, or make a purchase (any user interaction communicates with the front-end, sending and receiving information to be displayed as a web page. on the client-side) and your browser sends a request to the server-side, which returns information in the form of front End code that the browser can interpret and display. A back-end developer or at least back-end development, is required to create a dynamic site. The back-end is built with languages like: Php, Python etc.

In the computer world, the "backend" refers to any part of a website or software program  that users do not see. Most modern websites are dynamic, meaning webpage content is generated on-the-fly. A dynamic page contains one or more scripts that run on the web server each time the page is accessed. These scripts generate the content of the page, which is sent to the user's web browser. Everything that happens before the page is displayed in a web browser is part of the backend.

The back- end of a website consists of a server, an application, and a database. A back-end developer builds and maintains the technology that powers those components which, together, enable the user-facing side of the website to even exist in the first place It contrasts with the front-End, which refers to a program's or website's user interface. In programming terminology, the back-End is the "data access layer," while the front-End is the "presentation layer."

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