Showing posts with label css text-align property. Show all posts
Showing posts with label css text-align property. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

css text-align

              Text-align property

1]   Text-align  property in used to the horizontal alignment of text content element. 

2]   A text property includes value  left and right ,center , justify. 

3] The text-align property in css is used for the alignment of the text.

4] Use css property to set the horizontal alignment of a table -cell box or the block element .

 1] text-alignjustify 

      1] justify the text in the container.

      2] spaces between word in each line so that the text aligns with           both the left and right edges of the container. 

    Syntax :- 

     text-align: justify ;

Text-Align: justify 


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>text-align property = justify</title>
            .justify {
                  text-align :justify;
      <p class="justify"><B>
            Learn Programming Language<br>
      Learn to the this website https://webdesigningtheory.blogspot.
            com/ <B></p>

Text-Align: justify 


Text-Align: justify     Output:-

  2] text-align: right

   1] right align the text to the right  edge of its                    container.

    2]  The  text will align to the right.

    Syntax :-

     text-align: right;


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>text-align property = right</title>
            .right {
                  text-align :right;
      <p class="right"><B>
            Learn Programming Language<br>
      Learn to the this website https://webdesigningtheory.blogspot.
            com/ <B></p>

text-align: right


text-align: right Output

3] text-align: left

 1]  This value the text to the left edge of its container. 

 2]  This in is the default alignment for most language 
     written left to right.

 Syntax :-  text-align: left;

text-align: left

       Example :-   

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>text-align property = left</title>
            .left {
                  text-align :left;
      <p class="left"><B>
            Learn Programming Language<br>
      Learn to the this website https://webdesigningtheory.blogspot.
            com/ <B></p>

text-align: left

text-align: left output

4] text-align: center

1] This value aligns the text in the center of its container           along the horizontal axis. 

     Syntax :- text-align: center;


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>text-align property = right</title>
                  text-align :center;
      <p class="center"><B>
            Learn Programming Language<br>
      Learn to the this website https://webdesigningtheory.blogspot.
            com/ <B></p>

text-align: center 


text-align: center output