Showing posts with label how to create vertical columns frames. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to create vertical columns frames. Show all posts

Thursday, November 3, 2022

html frame tag

          Frame Tag

Html frame tag format

1)Creating Vertical Columns 

To create a set of four vertical columns, we need to use the frameset element with the cols attribute The cols attribute is used to define the number and size of columns the frameset will contain. We have four files to display, so we need four frames. To create four frames we need to assign four comma-separated values to the cols attribute.

Creating Vertical Columns 

Example :-


<!DOCTYPE html>


<frameset cols="20%, 30%, 25%, 25%">

<frame src="Firstframe.html"><!--src tag source of your Image location-->

<frame src="Secondframe.html">

<frame src="Thirdframe.html">

<frame src="Fourth Frame.html">



Creating Vertical Columns 

output :- 

Vertical column  tag use

2)Creating Horizontal  Rows

Rows of frames can be created by using the rows attribute rather than the cols attribute as shown in the HTML. below.

Creating Horizontal Example

<!DOCTYPE html>


<frameset rows="20%,  20%, 20%, 20%">

<frame src="FirstFrame.html"> 

<frame src="SecondFrame.html">

<frame src="ThirdFrame.html">

<frame src="FourthFrame.html">



Creating Horizontal  output


Horizontal frame tag use

3) Mixing Columns and Rows  

Column and rows of frames can both appear on the same webpage by nesting one frameset inside of another. To do this, we first create a frameset and then nest a child frameset within the paren element. Here's an example of how we could nest two rows within a set of three columns

Mixing Columns and Rows

    Example :-

<!DOCTYPE html>


<frameset cols="20%, 30%, 25%">

<frameset rows="20%, 30%">

<frame src="Firstframe.html>

<frame src="Secondframe.html>


<frame src= "ThirdFrame.html">

<frame src="Fourth frame.html>



Mixing Columns and Rows 


4) Nested Frames

Frames can even be nested which means, two or more inner frames can be created in one single outer frame.

Nested Frames 

  Example :-

<! Doctype html>


<frameset rows="20%, 80%">

<frame src="header.html">

<frameset cols="50%,50%">

<frame src="LeftFrame.html">

<frame src="RightFrame.html">



  Nested Frames  

   Output :-


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