Showing posts with label fullscreen imghtml program. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fullscreen imghtml program. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

how to apply Image tag in html

                           IMAGE  TAG 


 1)  HTML <img > tag is insert image into a web document.image path define/declare  inside    <img > tag.
  2)  <img > tag is empty tag, that mean's no closing tag.
  3) <img > tag have some attributes are use for display image on web page.
  4) The src attribute, src stands for source, that is path of image URL.
  5) Alt Attribute used to define an "alternate text" for an image
  6) This specifies text to be  identified in the image name.
  7) Width and Height specifies the size of image to display on webpage.

Image tag 

 1] display your Image 

Program :-

<!DOCTYPE html>

<title>image tag</title>

<h2>Image add to page</h2>
<p> <img src=""> IMG tag. use</p>
<img src="">



img tag use

2] Fullscreen image in html


<!DOCTYPE html>

<title>image tag</title>

<h2>fullscreen img add to the webpage</h2>
<img src=""
width="900"  height="300" alt="nature">




fullscreen img in web page

VISIT link 
your extra information
