Showing posts with label bdo tag html. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bdo tag html. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

bdo tag in html


 HTML <bdo> tag

HTML bdo tag :- output

   1] BOD Tag Stands for Bi-Directional.

   2] HTML<bdo> tag used to override the default text direction.

3] <bdo> tag is used with the dir attribute set to "rtl" to indicate right-to-left text

direction for the specified text.

4] BDO tag is not commonly used in day-to- day.

5] HTML development unless you're dealing with specific situations involving

bidirectional text.

6] which is used to overrides the current or default text direction.

7] <bdo> tag sets the direction of content writing from left to right and right to left.

8] use primarily language reading occurs right to left.

HTML bdo tag :-


 <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>html BDO tag </title>
    <h2>Html BDO tag </h2>
     <bdo dir="rtl">Hello friends how are you</bdo>



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