Showing posts with label Advantage & Disadvantage of internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advantage & Disadvantage of internet. Show all posts

Monday, June 20, 2022

Internet Advantage & Disadvantage


Advantage & Disadvantage of internet






   The main advantage of the internet as the faster communication than any other device. It’s an instant process. Communication in the form of video calls, email etc. is possible using the internet.Internet communication is a way of talking to people using the internet instead of telecommunications (like phone calls and text messaging). From WhatsApp and Telegram to email and virtual telephony, people can connect with each other within minutes.

A time-saving tool, instant messaging allows employees to reach their managers and colleagues working remotely instantly or in other branches. It eliminates the need to place calls when you require some information immediately and makes life much simpler. 

Some popular IM services are AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, and MSN Messenger. Although the features of these service providers are similar, they have their own benefits.

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Internet through information help of Internet we can find any types of Information like education entertainment, Job updated, improve your skills, News,related, government laws, market sales, stocks and shares, new creations etc..

The Internet is a global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices. With the Internet, it's possible to access almost any information, communicate with anyone else in the world, and do much more. You can do all of this by connecting a computer to the Internet.

The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that uses the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to communicate between networks and devices. It is a network of networks that consists of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries a vast range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of the World Wide Web (WWW), electronic mail, telephony, and file sharing.


The internet has now become a part of education. Like homeschooling is easily carried out using the internet. Teachers can upload their teaching videos on the internet and are accessed by people across the world which is helpful for all students.

Online learning is education that takes place over the Internet. It is often referred to as e- learning” among other terms. However, online learning is just one type of “distance learning” - the umbrella term for any learning that takes place across distance and not in a traditional classroom.



 The internet is now the most popular form of entertainment. Movies, songs, videos, games, Facebook, Instagram etc are available on many websites for free.

Entertainment boosts the level of activeness to students. It motivates them to work hard and dedicate themselves to the learning process. Entertainment provides the students with a fresh mind to accommodate new ideas through the learning process

 Social network:-

Social network with the help most popular form of entertainment. Movies, songs, videos games etc. are available on many website for free.Social networking is the sharing of data with people across the planet. Aside for being an entertainment website  usess

Social media Network is one of the most popular internet communication methods. While Facebook was and still is the most widely used social channel, there are now numerous platforms that make online communication easier than ever.

Businesses can enhance their brand awareness.

A great way to redirect traffic to your landing page and website.

Social media platforms help businesses interact with customers and provide real-time feedback to increase customer loyalty and lifetime value.

Social media portals help in advertising, promotions, and market research.

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Information loss :-

Data loss occurs when valuable or sensitive information on a computer is compromised due to theft, human error, viruses, malware, or power failure. It may also occur due to physical damage or mechanical failure or equipment of an edifice.

 The information and important and files can be easily taken by the hackers. There is no exact proof for the security for the details we store like account number passwords etc.The biggest reasons for data loss include laptop theft, accidental deletion or overwriting of files, power outages and surges, spilled liquids, and the wearing out or sudden failure of hard drives. Regularly backing up files makes data recovery possible in the event of data loss

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What comes to mind when you think of spam? Internet Miracle pills from Internet pharmacies, requests for money fromprinces” of other countries, or perhaps the food, Spam? This article is all about spam with a lowercase “s.” While many people enjoy the food Spam, no one wants to be tricked into losing money or downloading malware because of the other kind of spam. 

Spam is any kind of unwanted, unsolicited digital communication that gets sent out in bulk. Often spam is sent via email, but it can also be distributed via text messages, phone calls, or social media. The unnecessary emails, advertisements, etc. sometimes are said to be spam because they have ability to slow down the system and make the users to face lots of problems.

Email spam filters catch many of these types of messages, and phone carriers often warn you of a “spam risk” from unknown callers. Whether via email, text, phone, or social media, some spam messages do get through, and you want to be able to recognize them and avoid these threats. Below are several types of spam. 

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Virus attacks:-

The Virtual attack malware or virus threats are  so deadly that affects the system to a greater extend. It immediately deletes all important finally, the system ends up crashing. The virus attack is possible in three ways. One it attacks selected files. Two it harms the executable boot files and most dangerous of all is the macro virus which has the ability to replicate and expand to all parts of files.

 Some computer viruses are programmed to harm your computer by damaging programs, deleting files, or reformatting the hard drive. Others simply replicate themselves or flood a network with traffic, making it impossible to perform any internet activity. What is the most common damage caused by virus attacks? Slowing down the network by the virus traffic.

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 Virtual world:-

The people using the internet often will forget the difference between the virtual and real worlds. This causes people to get depressed quickly and it leads to social isolation problems.

A virtual world (also called a virtual space) is a computer-simulated environment which may be populated by many users who can create a personal avatar and simultaneously and independently explore the virtual world, participate in its activities and communicate with others.These avatars can be textual,graphical representations, or live video avatars with auditory and touch sensations. Virtual worlds are closely related to mirror worlds.

The concept of virtual worlds significantly predates computers. The Roman naturalist, Pliny the Elder, expressed an interest in perceptual illusion.In the twentieth century, the cinematographer Morton Heilig explored the creation of the Sensorama  a theatre experience designed to stimulate the senses of the audience—vision, sound, balance, smell, even touch (via wind)—and so draw them more effectively into the productions

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