Showing posts with label basefont tag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label basefont tag. Show all posts

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Basefont Tag In Html

      Html <basefont> tag

  1]  <basefont> tag used in HTML to set a default font size and color text.

 2]   basefont used html fort family for all the text in a web page.

 3]   basefont tag is not supported in HTML5.

 4]   basefont tag is not supported by modern and updated browsers.

 5]   CSS use the style attribute or a separate style sheet apply colors, size, fonts 

      to different html element.

 6]  CSS  provides much more flexibility and control  over styling  compared to the                  <basefont> tag.

7]  <basefont> tag is used the <head> section.

      syntax :-

        <basefont color="red" size="5"font-family="courier-serif">

Html <basefont> tag :-


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>html basefont tag </title>
     <basefont color="red" size="5"
    <h2>html basefont tag </h2>
    <h3> basefont tag is not support </h3>
    <p> basefont tag used html default
text-color <br>
       and font-size ,font-family  family
html documetn </p>

Html <basefont> tag :-


Basefont Tag Tag In Html /OUTPUT


element html tag

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