Showing posts with label what is the responsive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label what is the responsive. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

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  Responsive Web Designing

Responsive img


 In 1989, whils I t working at CERN Tim Berners-Lee proposed to create a global hypertext project, which later became known as the World Wide Web. During 1991 to 1993 the World Wide Web was born. Text-only pages could be viewed using a simple line-mode browser.

Responsive web design is the practice of building a website suitable to work on every device and screen size, no matter how large or small, mobile or desktop. Responsive Web Design is a the through which we automatically resize, hide, shrink or enlarge, a website, to make it look good on
all devices(desktops, tablets and mobile phones). A web page should look good on any device. Responsive images are images that scale nicely to fit any browser size. Web pages should not leave out information to fit smaller devices, but rather adapt its content to fit any device.

Responsive web design (RWD) is a web development approach that creates dynamic changes to the appearance of a website, depending on the screen size and orientation of the device being used. 

Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and development should respond to the user's behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation. The practice consists of a mix of flexible grids and layouts, images and an intelligent use of CSS media queries.

Responsive web design or responsive design is an approach to web design that aims to make web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes from minimum to maximum display size to ensure usability and satisfaction.

approach to web page creation that makes use of flexible layouts, flexible images and cascading style sheet media queries. The goal of responsive design is to build web pages that detect the visitor's screen size and orientation and change the layout accordingly. layouts automatically adjust and adapt to any device screen size, whether it is a desktop, a laptop, a tablet, or a mobile phone.

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Benefits of Responsive Web Design:-

Responsive web designs help websites get higher search engine rankings.

Responsive designs help you reach more consumers. Earn more money with responsive web design. 

Keep visitors engaged to lower your bounce rate. You can save time and money with responsive web designs.

advantage of Website design

1) Attract a wider audience:-

Your audience will access your website from a variety of different devices in all shapes and sizes. Responsive design will accommodate them no matter how big or small their screen. Use social media to engage audiences.Focus on audience preferences.Expand your landing page traffic. Team up with complementary businesses. Create an omnichannel marketing strategy.

 group of spectators at a public event. listeners or viewers collectively, as in attendance at a theater or concert. The audience was respectful of the speaker's opinion. the persons reached by a book, radio or television broadcast, etc. public: Some works of music have a wide and varied audience. 

2) Easier to monitor analytic:-

  you have separated websites for different devices that means you have to keep an eye on two analytics. A responsive website is just one website, meaning your analytics is just one source of information.

Monitoring is the process of observing systems and testing whether they function correctly. Analytics is the process of turning data (usually behavioral data) into insights. Observability is the property of a system that supports analytics. 

3) Boost for SEO:-

Search engine optimization is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. SEO targets unpaid traffic rather than direct traffic or paid traffic.SEO is the process of taking steps to help a website or piece of content rank higher on Google. This involves researching keywords, writing high-quality content that matches user intent, and optimizing your headers for easy page crawling.which is a set of practices designed to improve the appearance and positioning of web pages in organic search results.

Marketing your business is obviously crucial for you to be found and SEO is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website. Google are now, in order to improve their search results for mobile users, favouring responsive websites so they appear higher on the search engines results.

4) Consistency in design and brand:-

       Obviously you can design and customise a mobile website and a traditional website; however you will never get the same look and feel better the two. A responsive website will keep the same design across all devices.
Brand consistency refers to keeping your brand messaging in alignment with a defined identity and core strategy. From a design perspective, this means showcasing the same visual elements (i.e logo, fonts, color scheme) on any channel or message delivered by your brand is consistency is how an organization delivers messages aligned with its core values, brand promise, customer experience, and brand identity elements. It refers to how “on-brand” all of your company's marketing content is with respect to your brand.

makes consumers trust your brand, and that consistency leads to more positive feelings toward your brand than trust the people you band. Brand consistency helps bring your company through all stages of business growth. From building brand awareness and recognition, to communicating credibility and managing perceptions, to finally building equity and making your company valuable, consistent branding is crucial infrastructure for building any business Customer Recognition. In the world of ads, when a customer recognizes a brand's color, theme, logo

6) Lower bounce rates:-

Lower bounce rates potential customers aren’t going to put up with a slow, difficult to use website. If your website isn’t compatible with the device they are using then they will simply back up and go to one of your competitors. Your audience doesn’t want to wait around; they want answers fast and easy. A responsive website will reduce the bounce rate with fast loading, easy to use navigation and clear call-to-actions.

7) Improved conversion rates:-

As a responsive website is the best option for your web design needs as it delivers the best user-experience. A responsive website will increase sales as it will reach a larger, more target audience and give them the smooth and easy experience they are looking for.
Responsive web design is the way forward. Don’t ignore the potential of advancing your business and fall behind your competition 

In online marketing lingo, a call to action (CTA) refers to a button or link that directs visitors to take a certain action like "Add to Cart" or "Register Now." One way to potentially improve conversion rates is to experiment with different CTAs not only the position on the page, but also new CTA text or icon. Raising your conversion rate means that more of your site traffic converts to meaningful actions that grow your business, whether that means filling out a form to become a lead .

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