Showing posts with label dynamic website. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dynamic website. Show all posts

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Dynamic website in web Designing

    Dynamic website

Dynamic website

Dynamic website:-

Dynamic website is a group of web pages whose content changes dynamically. Dynamic website access data from database. Therefore, when you alter or update the content of the database, the content of the website is also altered or updated. Dynamic website uses client-side scripting or server-side scripting or both to generate dynamic content. These sites also include HTML programming for the basic structure A dynamic website or dynamic web page contains information that changes, depending on the viewer, the time of the day, the time zone, the viewer's native language, and other factors. For example, the Computer Hope home page is a dynamic web page that automatically changes daily to give visitors new content. 

 client-side HTML scripting, the page can use JavaScript or another scripting language to change the data of the page as it's dynamically built.With server-side scripting, scripts are run on the server that hosts the page. The process for how the page is built is determined by parameters defined in the server-side scripting Once created, the user(s) can create pages using an online editor and post them online using the CMS. In contrast, a static website would require that the user create the page in an HTML editor.

A static HTML page always loads faster than a dynamic page generated server-side because it does not require an external resource. Server-side dynamic sites require at least one request be made to a database or other file that increases the load time.

For example- YouTube, Google, Facebook and Twitter ,hopee, and Lazada ,WordPress.

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Dynamic website information

 Dynamic website example

Dynamic website

Advantages and disadvantages of Dynamic web site :


1] It is much easier to add new content without accessing coding. 

2] Dynamic website has interactive web pages. 

3] Able to use it in more complex scenarios such as an online store, forum, social media platform,

4] Dynamic website can make the most out of your online presence. Here are some benefits that you can actually derive from getting your brand dynamically developed and coded.

5] Much Easier to Update There’s no doubt a dynamic website allows site managers to update files and content more easily across many pages. This is because each of the web pages has been developed separately.

6] Take changing your site’s navigation for instance. You can change such in one place. The file that holds navigation information. It will automatically update on all pages, Once changes were made

7] Dynamically developed websites allow you to back up your content more efficiently Also, content or files can be easily stored in a database.


1] If you will build a dynamic website, quality is one of the benchmarks for success you set to achieve and faster launch date. Plus, it’s inherently expensive to develop a dynamic site, which is another defining difference between static and dynamic websites.

2] Functions like building the site foundation, creating database connections, and adding other features can make a dynamic website more expensive than a static website.

3] There can be design and layout limitations when it comes to displaying content on your dynamic website.

4] Developing a static website, on the other hand, can give you more savings out of your investment in the project. However, considering future updates and revisions. you’ll get the price you paid for building a static website upfront saving

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