Tuesday, January 30, 2024

image resizer

Image Resizer

Image Resizer

Monday, January 29, 2024

screen recorder

Screen Recorder

Screen Recorder

word & character counter

Word & Character Counter

Word & Character Counter

Words: 0 Characters: 0

youtube thumbnail downloader

YouTube Thumbnail Downloader

YouTube Thumbnail Downloader

color picker

HEX to RGB Converter with Color Picker

HEX to RGB Converter with Color Picker

adsense revenue calculator

AdSense Revenue Calculator

AdSense Revenue Calculator

Sunday, January 21, 2024

html login in form


 How To Create a Login Form

1] The <form> tag in HTML is used to create an HTML form that can be used to collect user input

2] The <form> tag encloses the entire form, defining the boundaries of the form.

3]<form> tag, form elements like <label>, <input>, and <button> for collecting user input.

HTML  login form :-

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Form tag </title>
   <h2> Login Form </h2>
  <input type="text" placeholder="Email address"
id="Email" name="email">
  <input type ="password" placeholder=
"password" id="pin" name="password"
  <input type ="reset" value ="reset" style=
"background-color: red;
color:white" >
  <input type ="submit" value="submit" style=
"background-color: green;
 color: white">

HTML login form :-


html form tag /output


Background Image Tag

How to create a split screen with css

HTML datetime Picker

left pascal star pattern in php

inverted pyramid star pattern in php

print half diamond pattern

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

bdo tag in html


 HTML <bdo> tag

HTML bdo tag :- output

   1] BOD Tag Stands for Bi-Directional.

   2] HTML<bdo> tag used to override the default text direction.

3] <bdo> tag is used with the dir attribute set to "rtl" to indicate right-to-left text

direction for the specified text.

4] BDO tag is not commonly used in day-to- day.

5] HTML development unless you're dealing with specific situations involving

bidirectional text.

6] which is used to overrides the current or default text direction.

7] <bdo> tag sets the direction of content writing from left to right and right to left.

8] use primarily language reading occurs right to left.

HTML bdo tag :-


 <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>html BDO tag </title>
    <h2>Html BDO tag </h2>
     <bdo dir="rtl">Hello friends how are you</bdo>



bdi tag in html

Basefont tag html

html datetime picker

file upload html

html background image

html login form

html feedback form

html table

Saturday, January 13, 2024

bdi tag in html


         HTML <bdi> tag

1]  HTML <bdi> tag  is Bidirectional Isolate Element.

2]  used to inform the browser to isolate to span of text.

3] formatted in different direction from other  text outside.

4]  <bdi> tag text in language that are read from right to left.

5] Within a predominantly left-to-right document. 

HTML <bdi> tag :-


<!DOCTYPE html>

      <title>HTML BDI tag</title>
        <h2>HTML BDI TAG</h2>
       <li>user<bdi>Aishwarya </bdi> : 60</li>
       <li>user <bdi> Seeta</bdi>  : 70</li>
       <li>user<bdi>  विठ्ठल</bdi>  :80</li>
       <li>user<bdi> Bharat</bdi>  :95</li>

HTML <bdi> tag :-


html <bdi> tag /output


Basefont tag html

bold tag html

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Basefont Tag In Html

      Html <basefont> tag

  1]  <basefont> tag used in HTML to set a default font size and color text.

 2]   basefont used html fort family for all the text in a web page.

 3]   basefont tag is not supported in HTML5.

 4]   basefont tag is not supported by modern and updated browsers.

 5]   CSS use the style attribute or a separate style sheet apply colors, size, fonts 

      to different html element.

 6]  CSS  provides much more flexibility and control  over styling  compared to the                  <basefont> tag.

7]  <basefont> tag is used the <head> section.

      syntax :-

        <basefont color="red" size="5"font-family="courier-serif">

Html <basefont> tag :-


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>html basefont tag </title>
     <basefont color="red" size="5"
    <h2>html basefont tag </h2>
    <h3> basefont tag is not support </h3>
    <p> basefont tag used html default
text-color <br>
       and font-size ,font-family  family
html documetn </p>

Html <basefont> tag :-


Basefont Tag Tag In Html /OUTPUT


element html tag

HTML Address Tag

File Upload html

html unordered list

Background image html

Login form html

Order form html

html id attribute

bold tag in html

       Html Bold Tag

  1]  bold tag is represented by the  <b> tag.

  2]  html <b> tag  display the written text in bold format.

  3]  html <b> strictly a presentational element. 

          Syntax :-




 html bold tag :-


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>html bold tag </title>
       Hi friends
       <b>  how are you </b> <!-- use the bold tag -->
    <h5>I am fine</h5>

 html bold tag :-


bold tag in html /output


html audio tag

html aside tag

html date time picker

file upload html

html form input type

html image tag

html login form

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

audio tag in html

         html audio tag 

 1] Html <audio> tag used to define sound and music ,audio .

2]  audio tag  support file format  




 3]  <audio> tag  contains one or more <source> tag .

   syntax  :-  audio tag




 html <audio> tag :-


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="en">
    <title>html audio tag </title>
    <audio controls>
        <source src="cat.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
        your browser does not
support the html audio tag.


 html <audio> tag :-

html aside tag

                   Aside tag in html

  HTML <aside> tag provide information about the main content.

ஃ  HTML <aside> tag content should be indirectly related to the main  content.

ஃ  HTML <aside> tag commonly used as a sidebar in the document.


HTML Aside tag:-


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>aside tag </title>
    <h3>html aside tag use </h3>
    <p> html aside tag defines some content
from the content is placed<br>
   html aside tag new tag introduced
 use commonly as a sidebar in the document. </p>

HTML aside tag  :-


html aside tag/output


html article tag

html address tag

html abbr tag

html unordered list

how-to-create registration form html 

introduction to web design html

html bold tag

Monday, January 8, 2024

Article tagin html

         HTML Article Tag


  1]  html <article> tag independent self contained content.

  2] <article> tag content makes sense on its own.

  3]  article tag use

  1.  Blog post
  2. Comment
  3. News story
  4. Forum post  


Html Article Tag :-


html article tag/output

Html Article Tag :-


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>html article tag</title>

    <h3>HTML article tag</h3>
    <p>article tag defines independent self
contained <br>
      use to Blog post, comment etc .</p>
    <h2> chhatrapati shivaji Maharaj</h2>
        chhatrapati shivaji Maharaj Was the
founder of the Maratha<br>
         kingdom of India. studying Ramayana
and also Mahabharata etc .<br> his
         father shahji Bhosale.and his mother
jijabai was a great he was
         the founder<br> of the great Maratha
Kingdom of India.


html address tag

html abbr tag

Date time html form

Html Color tag

file upload html

html audio tag