Monday, March 4, 2024

PHP data Type

 Variable Data Type in PHP

PHP data type

1] PHP String :-

        Represents a sequence of characters.

Example: $name = "seeta";

2] PHP Integer :-

Represents whole numbers without decimal points.

Example :- $number = 100;

3] PHP Float :-

Floating point numbers or Doubles

Represents numbers with decimal points.

Example :- $float_number = 9.7;

4] PHP Boolean :-

Represents true or false values.

Example: true;

5] PHP Array :-

Represents a collection of elements, each identified by a key.

Example: $colors = array("red", "green", "blue");

6] PHP Object :-

Represents instances of user-defined classes.


class Car { public $color = "blue"; public $make = "Toyota"; } $car = new Car();

7] PHP NULL :-
Represents a variable with no value.
Example: $variable = null;
  1. 8] PHP Resource :-
  2. Represents a special variable that holds a reference to an external resource.
  3.    A common example of using the resource data type is a database call.                         It is the storing of a reference to functions and resources external to PHP.

  4. Variable data type

    /* data type  variable */


    variable data type

    variable data type/output


Sunday, March 3, 2024

PHP variable

PHP variable

PHP variable

1] variables are declared /represent with a dollar sign ($) by the variable name.

2] A variable is a container to store to add values() of

Type :-

1] int

2] float

3] string

4] boolean

5] array

6] object

7] resources etc.

3] Variable names must begin with a letter or underscore character, followed by any combination of letters, numbers, or underscores.

Rules Variable Declaration

1] variable name must start with any Alphabet or symbol , variable name.
2] Can not start with a number.
eg :- $s1 = correct , $1s = wrong

3] PHP variable name are case sensitive .
   EG- $a ,$A, are two different variables.

PHP variable
Program :-

echo $no1+$no2;

PHP variable
Output :-

php variable /output


PHP introduction

PHP variable

PHP operators

PHP Data type

PHP logical operators

PHP Arithmetic Operators

PHP Assignment Operators

PHP string operators

Saturday, March 2, 2024

PHP introduction

 What is the PHP

PHP introduction

  ஃ  It was originally created by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1993 and             released in 1995.

1]  PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor.

2] It is a widely-used open-source server-side scripting language.

3] primarily designed for web development and can be embedded into HTML.

4] PHP scripts are executed on the server, generating dynamic web page content.

5] PHP code can perform tasks such as collecting form data, interacting with databases,

managing sessions, and creating cookies.

6] It is commonly used alongside MySQL or other database management systems to
create dynamic websites and web applications.

8] php is powerful and flexible language supported by a large community of developers worldwide.

Why php use

1] platform independent

2] open source

3] runs multiple operating system

e.g :- window, linux, kill , dos

4] Free to download and edit.

What can php do ?

1] php can generate dynamic page content.

2] php can create open ,read ,write, delete, and close files on server.

3] collect form data.

4] send data receive cookies.

5] add delete , modify, your database.

6] control user access.

7] php can encrypt data

How to run PHP file

ஃ writing the php code Visual Studdio code, notepad, Eclipse etc..

1] first xampp server download.

2] than select the xampp folder click on htdocs file.

3] htdocs folder click than create your program folder.

ஃ you prrogram save

4] php program must save .php extension.

5] run to the php program xampp control panel click

XAMPP Control Panel


ஃ Than click Apache Module click start button

ஃ Than click on Admin Button.

5] select folder of you project name.

6] Than select the you program name.

7] Program execute the XAMPP Server.

8] Run to the any browser.(show to the output).

Note :- php file is placed inside the htdocs folder. you want to run. open any web

browser and enter "localhost/demo.php" and press enter. than program is run

Php Syntax :-

<? php


PHP Program :-

echo " hi";
echo "<marquee>learn php language </marquee>" ;

php Output:-

php basic  program/output