Tuesday, November 14, 2023

html list

 HTML List 

html list /output

HTML List :-

Different Type of  HTML list.

                   1] Ordered HTML  List.
                  2] Unordered HTML List 
                  3] Description  HTML List

1] Ordered HTML List :-

Q. what is the ordered list in html?

  •      Ordered list is also known as  Number list or alphabetical.
  •     All ordered html list items are marked with the Number in by default.
  •     Ordered list Starts <ol> tag and closing with the </ol> tag.
  •     Ordered list each  items start with the <li> tag and closing with the items </li> tag. 

   Ordered list  represent different Type

 1)  Numeric Number(1,2,3,4,5)

 2) Capital Roman Number (l ,ll , lll , lV)

 3) Small Roman Number( i, ii, iii, iv)

 4) Capital Alphabet (A,B,C, D)

 5) Small Alphabet (a, b, c, d)

Q. How to make ordered list in html.

Ordered HTML List :-

1) Numeric Number -

Ordered html list is numeric number is default type.
Numeric Number  is not defining type ="1"

 Example -

<!doctype html>
<h2>Ordered HTML List</h2>  


ordered html list/output

2) Capital Roman Number (l ,ll , lll , lV) :-

Capital Roman Number  display list in roman number uppercase.

Capital Roman Number is  defining type ="I" .

Syntax :-

Ol type="I"

Example -

<!doctype html>
<h2>Ordered HTML List</h2>  

   <ol type ="I">

 Capital Roman Number  OUTPUT :-

Capital Roman Number/output

 3) Small Roman Number( i, ii, iii, iv) :-

Small Roman Number display list in roman number lowercase.
Small Roman Number is defining type ="i" 

Syntax :-

Ol  type = "i"

Example -

<h2>Ordered HTML List</h2>
    <ol type ="i">


lowercase html list /output

4)Capital Alphabet (A,B,C, D) :-

Capital Alphabet display list in Uppercase.
Capital Alphabet  is defining type ="A" 

Syntax :-

Ol  type = "A"

Example -

<h2>Ordered HTML List</h2>
<h3>Capital Alphabet </h3> 
    <ol type ="A">


capital alphabet list html/output

 5) Small Alphabet (a, b, c, d) :-

Small Alphabet display list in lowercase.

Small Alphabet is defining type ="a" 

Syntax :-

Ol  type = "a"

Example -

<h2>Ordered HTML List</h2>
    <h3>Small Alphabet </h3>
        <ol type ="a">
<!-- ordered html list syntax -->
            <li>HTML</li><!-- list tag -->


output small alphabet /output

 Read more 


How to add image tag in html

html anchor tag

Customer login using html &css

Html unordered list

Saturday, November 11, 2023

how to insert a background image in html.

how to add background image in html

background image in html


 Background Image 

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport"
<!-- image path -->
height:600px; <!--height of image--> 
      width: 50%;
        color: red;
        text-align: center;
    <h1>Background Image</h1>
<p><BR<BR><BR><BR><BR> how to add background
image  in html programe . <br>
    learning for the this website website.<br>
     follow this website and learning in the
PROGRAME AND theory learn in improve your
knowledge website
https://webdesigningtheory.blogspot.com  <br>
</p>    <!--this information display
in the image -->

HTML Background Image

 The <background> image attribute in the HTML document is used.

  you can use the path of image tag value of

 background attribute. 

Syntax :-

 background-image: url('path of image');

Visit link :-

anchor-tag in the html

image tag

html list



Thursday, November 2, 2023

how to add image tag in html

 How To Add  Image Tag In Html 


Q] What Is The  Image  Tag  In  HTML?

  1.  The  HTML  tag is used to display an image on a web page .
  2.  It is a self -closing tag.
  3.  which means it does not need a separate closing tag
  4.  The <img> tag used embed an image in HTML page.
  5.  Image are not technically  insert into a web page.
  6.  image are linked in to the web pages.
  7. The <img> tag is empty it contains attributes only and does not have a closing tag.

Syntax :-

 <img src="image_path" alt="alternative -text" >

Q] What Are Image  Tag.?

Image tagging is process of identifying and labeling the contents of an image tag 
This can be done manually by someone looking at the image and typing in description/ 
automatically using machine

Html IMG Attribute :-

 1] src :-

  •  src is used to specify the path to the image.
  •  It is a necessary  attribute that describes source or path of the image.
  • It instructs the browser  look for the image on the server .
  • specifies the path to the image.

 2] alt :-

  •    The alt attribute defines an alternate  text for the image it cant be displayed .
  •  The value of the alt attribute describe the image information the image in words.

  • The alt attribute is considered best /good SEO prospective.

   3] Width :-

  • width is an optional attribute which is used to specify the width to display the image.                                                              
  • It is used to specify width of the image.

Height :-

  •  height is used to specify the height of the image



  <img src=" image-path" alt" image-info" width="image-width-put" 

   height=" image-height-put">

Program :-

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>image html tag</title>
   <h2>html tag </h2>
<img src=
alt="nature" width="" height="">





