Monday, February 5, 2024

text properties in css

      Text properties in css

1] This css property allows us to change the case of the text.

2] used to control the text capitalization.

3] css property can be used to make the appearance of next 

  all-lowercase and ,all uppercase can first character each word uppercase.

Text properties 

1] text-transform : uppercase;

2] text-transform : lowercase;

3] text-transform : capitalize;

1) text-transform : uppercase;

   Transforms all characters to uppercase.

Example :- 

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>css text-transform property</title>

      <h1>Learn Programming Language</h1>

      <p>Learn to the this website

Output :-

text-transform: uppercase / output

2)  Text-transform : lowercase;

 Transforms all characters to lowercase.


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>css text-transform property</title>

      <h1>Learn Programming Language</h1>

      <p><b>Learn to the this website https://webdesigningtheory.blogspot.

Output :-
text-transform lowercase/output

3) Text-transform : capitalize;

       Transforms  the first character of each word to uppercase and 

transforms all other characters to lowercase.

Example :-

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>css text-transform property</title>

      <h1>Learn Programming Language</h1>

      <p><b>Learn to the this website https://webdesigningtheory.blogspot.

Output :-

text-transform capitalize /output


external css in html

inline css in html

internal css

css introduction

bdi tag in html

text align css

Sunday, February 4, 2024

external css in html


External CSS

1]  External css refers to Cascading style sheets that are store that are stored in separate file.

2]  External CSS  linked to HTML documents using the  '<link> ' element.

3]  External css method allows for the separation of the presentation  (style) from the
    content (html structure ) 

4]  External css easier to manage and maintain large-scale  website.

5]  Create a css file Save your  css rules in a separate file with a  ' .css ' extension.
        Example - file name :- ' styles.css '

External  css 

Example :-

7] Link the css file to your Html  document :- 
      1]    <head>  section of your html document add.
      2]   <link> element  with the ' rel ' attribute  set  to " stylesheet " and .
      3]  ' href ' attribute  pointing to the location of your css file.

External html  

Example :-

html code
<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>External CSS</title>
      <link rel ="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
        <h1>Learn programming Language</h1>
        <p> easy to undestand html ,css js in</p>

External CSS

Example :-

/* style.css */
    font-family: sans-serif;
    color :aqua;
    width: 80%;

External CSS

Output :-

External CSS EXAMPLE output


inline css in html

internal css

css introduction

html bdi tag

Abbr tag in html

html background image

login form

split screen

css table property

inline css in html

           Inline css

1]  inline css use of applying CSS styling directly with HTML.

2]  inline css using html  element using " style "attribute 

3]  inline css used apply unique to a single html element.

4] inline css define individual element.

Inline CSS

Example :-

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>internal css</title>
    <h1 style="color:rgb(255, 0, 51);
         text-align :center; ">
    <p style="font-size:40px;">
        Hypertext text markup language </p>

    <h1 style="color:aquamarine;

    <P style="font-size :40px;">Cascading style sheet </P>
    <a href="#" ></a>

Inline CSS


inline css program output


internal css

html bdo tag

html audio tag

html color tag

html form input type

html insert background image

login form

css table property

html frame tag